Outgoing Students
Montanuniversität Leoben has partnership agreements with many universities all over the world. If you want to spend an exchange semester abroad, please contact the international exchange office MIRO at our university.
Applications for an exchange semester must be approved and submitted to the partner university by the Montanuniversität International Relations Office (MIRO). The application will be sent to the international office at the partner university. If it is approved, you will receive further information from MIRO.

Student Exchange Outgoing
- As soon as you have got the acceptance letter, start looking for someone who takes over your room or apartment. If you want to keep it, you can also offer it to an incoming exchange student for your time of absence, so that you do not have to pay double rent.
- Check whether your personal insurance is valid in the host country or not. If not, contract a local one.
- For an exchange semester in America or Australia, costs of living will be higher than in Austria. For this purpose, the university offers scholarships (Auslandskostenzuschuss). Information can be found here: https://international.unileoben.ac.at/en/welcome-to-leoben
Contact Person
Anja Zarfl
Will the courses that I attend during the exchange semester be accredited?
Yes, if the study program is accepted by the Head of the curricular commission. Please contact the international relations office for more details.
Do I have to prove my English level at the foreign university?
This depends on the partner university. Please contact the international relation office for more details.
Which universities can I apply to for student exchange?
Please visit DPE > Partners > Academic and contact the international relation office for more details.
Where can I find information about subjects available for exchange students?
Please contact the international relation office for more details.
More questions? Ask Office Manager Elisabeth Koch!