Meet the People behind DGE
Top scientists and extraordinary graduates constitute the team, execute leading edge projects as well as give excellent lectures as part of the study programs in Geoenergy and Petroleum Engineering to educate highly performing graduates.
Lectures are closely aligned between the chairs of the department, and masterclasses are the new approach of the department to cope with the growing challenges of the modern energy industry.
All Chairs
Drilling and Completion Engineering
Chair of Geoenergy Production Engineering
Reservoir Engineering

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.rer.nat.
Holger Ott
Head of Department and Chair, University Professor
Reservoir Engineering
- Habilitation (Dr. habil.), Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany – Venia Legendi in Applied Geosciences 2015
- PhD in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 2004
- Diploma in Physics (Dipl.-Phys.), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 1999
- Apprenticeship diploma as Instrument Mechanic, Kautt&Bux KG, Stuttgart, Germany 1988
- Head of Department Petroleum Engineering since 2019
- Head of Chair of Reservoir Engineering since 2016
- Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany since 2015
- Reader (honorary) at the Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom 2011-2016
- Senior Scientist at Shell Exploration & Production and Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Rijswijk/Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2006-2015
- Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researcher at Berlin University, Germany, University of Tokyo, Japan and University of Cologne, Germany with focus on solid state physics 1999-2006
Research Interests
- Fluid dynamics and reactive transport in porous media in particular on the pore scale and upscaling.
- Imaging of fluid and solute transport in porous media.
- Development of low-cost enhanced and improved oil recovery methods (IOR/EOR) tailored to regions and operations.
- Subsurface energy and waste storage such as large-scale hydrogen storage from excess renewable energy, and subsurface carbon storage for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Former research activities: low dimensional magnetism and coupling of magnetic and electronic structures in correlated and uncorrelated electron systems.

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Gerhard Thonhauser
Head of Chair, University Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1998
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Joint Degree Montanuniversität Leoben and Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado, US 1996
- Head of Department Petroleum Engineering 2015-2019
- Head of Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering since 2013
- Head of “Environmental Friendly Drilling Systems” initiative in Europe since 2009
- Consultant with ENI Technology, Milano, Italy, working in drilling fluids design and solids control 2001-2002
- Founder and Chairman of TDE Group, servicing the international industry with drilling performance analysis and benchmarking, as well as software, electronics and equipment development, and manufacturing since 2000
- Member of the Mittelplate-Dieksand Team, RWE Dea, Hamburg, Germany, drilling of record extended reach wells, development of cuttings transport solution in cooperation with Petrobras/CENPES 1997-1998
- Consultant with CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization), Australia, for the Genesis 2000 Project, from January 1999 managing of Genesis 2000 Europe 1996-2001
Research Interests
Prof. Gerhard Thonhauser has 20 years of experience providing the petroleum industry with the evaluation, analysis, and management of drilling and well-related data. His areas of research and development include “Drilling Process Monitoring and Analysis” combining modeling, advanced monitoring and sensing, and drilling analysis to optimize and automate the drilling process and to improve learning and knowledge management in drilling organizations. He has authored and co-authored around 100 publications in the area of drilling and completion engineering and data science. Head of “Environmental Friendly Drilling Systems” initiative in Europe since 2009, focusing on drilling and completion technologies with “Zero Harmful Environmental Impact”.

Univ.-Prof. PhD
Keita Yoshioka
Head of Chair, University Professor
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University 2007
- BS Resources and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University 2003
- Head of Chair of Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2022
- Work Group Leader, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany 2017-2022
- Geothermal Reservoir Engineer, Chevron Geothermal, Jakarta, Indonesia 2008
- Staff Research Scientist, Chevron, Houston, USA 2007-2017
Research Interests
- Fracture propagation in porous media – webinars at ARMA HFC and GeoScience & GeoEnergy
- THM/C coupled process
- Well stimulation
- Computational geomechanics
- Supercritical geothermal system
- Profiles on ResearchGate and Google Scholar

Univ.-Prof. MBA PhD
Kris Ravi
University Professor for Well Integrity
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MBA, Oklahoma State University/Rotterdam School of Management 1996-1999
- PhD, Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University 1985-1989
- President, Kris-Ravi Consultancy LLC, Kingwood, TX, USA since 2016
- Technology Fellow, Halliburton, Houston, TX, USA 2011-2016
- Chief Scientific Advisor, Halliburton, Houston, TX, USA 2008-2011
- Technical Advisor, Halliburton, Houston, TX, USA 2001-2008
- Team Leader, Halliburton Europe, The Netherlands 1995-2001
- Principal Scientist, Halliburton, Duncan, OK, USA 1989-1995
Research Interests
Designing and deploying Barrier elements to secure well integrity. Cement design and deployment for challenging wells such as CO2, Deepwater, HPHT, extended reach, geothermal and steam injection. Innovation and product development. Designing for P&A. Solving challenges during drilling and cementing such as lost circulation, gas migration. Designing and deploying monitoring system to verify Barrier elements. Data analysis, capturing lessons learned for continuous improvement. Teaching, training, mentoring. Leading teams. Improving organization efficiency. Raising funds for innovation. Growing business and improving return on investment. Developing strategy for growth.

Univ.-Prof. MSc PhD
Riyaz Kharrat
University Professor for Carbonate Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Chemical Engineering, Enhanced Oil Recovery, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1989
- MSc Chemical Engineering, Thermal Oil Recovery, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1984
- BSc Chemical Engineering, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1981
- Kish Petroleum Engineering Tehran Iran – Project Manager of several offshore and onshore Iranian oil and gas fields 2012-2017
- Petroiran Development Company Tehran Iran – Consultant 2006-2011
- Petran Research Company Tehran Iran, Senior Reservoir Engineer 2000-2006
- Professor Petroleum University of Technology, Petroleum Department 1990-2017
- Instructor, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1987-1990
- Research Assistant, Tertiary Oil Recovery Project, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1984-1987
Research Interests
Improved Oil Recovery (IOR), Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Reservoir Modelling & Simulation, and Wax & Asphaltene studies.
Numerous production mechanisms and harsh reservoir conditions make the available EOR and most chemicals used for conventional reservoirs not to be suitable for naturally carbonated fractured reservoirs. Hence better reservoir characterization and proper selection and design of the injection fluids requires more attention. In my research, I was able to visualize and identify these mechanisms through designed experimental and modeling techniques. Processes such as GAGD, VAPEX, SAGD, TAGD, etc. were investigated thoroughly with the main focusing on understanding and quantifying EOR mechanisms for NCFR.
Scientific Staff

Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Michael Prohaska-Marchried
Assistant Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering

Tao You
Senior Researcher
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China 2017-2021
- MSc, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, China 2014-2017
- BSc, Mining Engineering, Fuzhou University, China 2010-2014
- Senior Scientist, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- Postdoc Fellow, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany 2021-2023
- Visiting scholar, Computational Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, US 2019-2020
Research Interests
- Rock mechanics: damage, fracture and plasticity
- Fracture propagation in geomaterials
- THM/C coupled process in DFNs and porous media.
- High performance computing

Siroos AzizMohammadi
Senior Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2009-2012
- PhD Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 2005
- MS Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 1996
- BS Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 1993
- Senior Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2015
- Senior Researcher, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2012-2015
- Senior Advisor, Petropars Oil and Gas Institute (POGI), Tehran, Iran 2008-2009
- Lecturer, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 2006-2007
- Senior Reservoir Engineer, Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC), Tehran, Iran 2005-2009
- Reservoir Engineer, Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC), Tehran, Iran 2000-2005
Research Interests
My research interests are mainly focused on different aspects of “upscaling”, which is my most favorite topic. Following are research topics and projects that I have been working over the past few years:
- Two-phase flow upscaling
- Efficient upscaling method for naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs)
- Smart upscaling technique for structured/unstructured grids
- Modeling and analysis of multiscale phenomena in porous media
- Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS)
- Reactive transport modeling

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Asad Elmgerbi
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2019-2023
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2010-2012
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Tripoli University, Libya 1996-2000
- Work as lecturer at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2014
- Field drilling engineer with Wintershall Libya 2008-2009
- Drilling engineer with Wintershall world wide 2006-2007
- Production Supervisor with Wintershall Libya 2002-2005
Research Interests
- Developing an advanced integrated system capable of automatically detecting and classifying down-hole problems such as losses, kicks, stuck-pipe, string failure, and well-bore instability with high efficiency and accuracy.
- Improving the transmission of real-time drilling data using cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure seamless and reliable data flow during drilling operations.
- Working on the development of a novel concept for real-time measurement of cuttings density and ROP.
- Developing environmentally friendly drilling fluids, novel additives, and formulations designed to improve well-bore stability, minimise formation damage, and enhance drilling efficiency, all while prioritising sustainability.

Alexander Fine
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Materials Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 1994-1998
- Dipl.-Eng. Materials Engineering, Samara State Technical University, Russia 1977-1982
- Research Associate, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2017
- Owner, Fine Solutions, Austria since 2016
- Senior Project Engineer, Weatherford company, Russia 2011-2012
- Materials Engineer, TDE Group GmbH, Leoben, Austria 2011-2015
- Project Engineer, Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing Project at Malmö University, Sweden 2008
- Research Materials Engineer, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 2007-2009
- Project Manager, STI Laser Industries, Israel 2004-2007
- Quality Assurance/Metallurgy Manager, Advanced Coding Systems Ltd., Israel 2002-2004
- Aerospace industry, Carmel Forge LTD. (Subsidiary of Pratt & Whitney), Process Metallurgist, Israel 1998-2002
- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 1994-1998
Research Interests
- Materials expertise and testing
- Aluminum Alloy Tubulars application in extended-reach wells
- Advanced materials application in drill bit design
- Solid Expandable Liner Systems in cased-hole and open-hole applications
- Fiber optic technology in well integrity monitoring
- Work performance analysis of materials under well-operating conditions
- Types of damages identification depending on operating conditions
- Design concepts review
- Manufacturing supervision

Sahar Keshavarz
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Production Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2014-2016
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2010-2014
- Senior Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2020
- Guest Researcher, Department of Chemical and Biochemical engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 2020
- Drilling Engineer, Sealand Engineering and Well Services, Tehran, Iran 2017-2019
- Drilling Engineer Trainee, Sealand Engineering and Well Services, Tehran, Iran 2016-2017
- Trainee at Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran 2013
Research Interests
- Drilling Optimization
- Oil Field Digitalization
- Data Analysis
- Cost Optimization
- Directional Drilling
- Drilling Automation

M. Tech. PhD
Shwetank Krishna
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia 2018-2021
- MTech Petroleum Exploration and Production, Andhra University, India 2013-2015
- BTech Geoscience Engineering, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India 2009-2013
- Senior Lecturer, Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering, Montanuniverstät Leoben, Austria since 2021
- Graduate Research Assistant, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia 2020-2021
- Graduate Assistant, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia 2018-2020
- Assistant Professor, Chandigarh University, India 2015-2018
- Research Summer Intern, National Institute of Hydrology, India 0-2012
- Dissertation Trainee, Institute of Oil and Gas Production Technology, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), India 0-2015
Research Interests
- Mathematical Modelling
- Predictive Modelling
- Fluid Flow Analysis
- Drilling Fluid Rheological Studies

Sharen León
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD candidate, Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2022-2025
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2016-2019
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, UNAM, Mexico City 2004-2009
- Senior Lecturer, Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering, Montanuniverstät Leoben, Austria since 2019
- Social Media & Web Content Manager, Department Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniverstät Leoben, Austria 2016-2023
- Administrative Manager, DMX Technologies, Mexico City 2013-2016
- Drilling Engineer, Well Design Department, Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), Tabasco, Mexico 2010-2013
- Junior Drilling Engineer, Well Design Department, Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), Tabasco, Mexico 2009-2010
Research Interests
- Well Plug & Abandonment
- Wellbore Instability
- Metal Additive Manufacturing in O&G Industry
- Digital Design and Manufacturing

Mohab Abdellatif
Research Associate
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Underground Hydrogen Storage, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2023
- MSc, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019-2020
- BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, University of Suez, Suez, Egypt 2011-2016
- Research Associate, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- “With Study Break” Reservoir Engineer, ENI, Egypt 2018-2022
- Drilling Engineer, PetroDrilling, Egypt 2017-2018
Research Interests
- Underground Hydrogen Storage Characterization
- Hydrogen geochemical reactivity modeling
- Bio-reactive transport modeling
- Subsurface energy storage
- Waste energy utilization
- Reservoir integrated asset modeling

Patrick Jasek
Research Associate
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversity Leoben since 2020
- MSc. Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversity Leoben 2019-2020
- BSc. Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversity Leoben 2014-2019
- Higher Federal Institute for Experimental Chemistry, HBLVA Rosensteingasse, Vienna 2008-2013
- Research Associate, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2020
- Production Engineer, Erdwerk GmbH, Munich, Germany 2020
- Research Associate, Virtual Flow Metering, Leoben, Austria 2019-2020
- SEG Evolve Graduate, San Antonio, Texas, USA 2018-2019
- Orlen Upstream, Flow Assurance, Warsaw, Poland 2017
Research Interests
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
- Geothermal Energy Recovery and Utilization
- Hydrogen Storage and Mobility
- Hydro- and Geochemistry
- Power to Gas Technologies
- Subsurface Engineering

Mojtaba Abdolkhani
University Assistant
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc Mechanical Engineering- Solid Mechanics, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran 2019-2023
- BSc Mechanical Engineering, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran 2015-2019
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- Research Intern, Engineering Mechanics of Soft Interfaces Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland 2022
- Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran 2019-2022
- Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Agro-Industry Company, Iran 2017
- National Iranian Gas Company, Iran 2016
Research Interests
● Multiphysics modeling
● Computational methods for fracture prediction
● Phase field modeling
● Computational mechanics of materials
● Geomechanics

Ramzy Albishini
University Assistant
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität 2016-2019
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Al-Baath University, Syria 2001-2008
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität since 2021
- Production Engineer, Syrian Petroleum Company, Syria 2011-2015
Research Interests
- Produced Water Treatment
- Stimulation
- Flow Assurance
- Shallow Geothermal Energy

Bianca Brandstätter
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD candidate Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2020-2021
- BSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2013-2020
- University Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- Student Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2020-2021
Research Interests
- Fluid Transport in Porous Media
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Investigation of displacement processes via Micro-CT
- Microemulsions
- Microfluidics

Dipl.-Ing., BSc
Justin Anthony Fink
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
- MSc, Geoenergy Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2023-2024
- BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2019-2024
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
- CEO, Circular Carbon Technologies, Austria since 2023
- Internship Automation Technology, OMV Subsurface Technologies, Austria 2022
- Student Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering / OMV, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2022-2024
Research Interests
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
- Subsurface Energy Storage and Recovery
- Energy Landscape Modeling and Network Design
- Fluid Flow and reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Digital Rock Physics
- Machine Learning

Boris Jammernegg
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2020
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering - Geothermal Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019-2020
- BSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2012-2019
- University Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2020
- Student Assistant, Chair of Applied Mathematics, Montanuniversität Leoben 2015-2016
Research Interests
- Subsurface engineering
- Carbon capture storage and utilization
- Investigation of displacement processes via CT scanning
- Hydrogen storage and Power-to-Gas technologies
- Geothermal engineering
- Fluid flow and transport in porous media

Jakob Kulich
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2022
- BSc/MSc Applied Geosciences/Applied Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben 2013-2019
- Geophysicist, Geological Survey of Austria since 2019
- Research Associate, Chair of Applied Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019
Research Interests
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
- Geothermal Energy Recovery and Utilization
- Underground Thermal Energy Storage

Dipl.-Ing. Fogh-lis.
Arash Nasiri
University Assistant
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc International study program in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering. Montanuniversität Leoben 2017-2020
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Drilling and Production. Sharif University of Technology, Iran 2013-2015
- BSc Chemical Engineering: Design Oil Industry Processes. Mazandaran University, Iran 2007-2012
- University Assistant, Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2019
- Project member, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2018-2019
- Sazeh Consultants Engineering and Construction, Shazand oil refinery 2011-2013
Research Interests
- Investigation of fluid-fluid properties using microfluidics
- Digitalization and monitoring of safe carbon storage
- Fracture propagation models
- Cement sheath integrity
- Enhanced oil recovery
- Hydrogen production

Christoph Scherounigg
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- MSc Geoenergy Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2022
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2015-2022
- PhD Student, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2023-2024
- Owner, AuraCode e.U., Austria 2022-2024
- Internship Well Services, ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Hannover, Germany 2019
- Internship Project Management, OMV Austria Exploration and Production GmbH, Gänserndorf, Austria 2018
- Development Engineer, AVL List GmbH, Graz, Austria 2018-2023
- Student Assistant, Chair of Mathematics and Statistics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2018-2023
Research Interests
In-situ Hydrogen Production and Carbon Sequestration
Geothermal Energy Recovery
Fluid Transport in Porous Media
IoT Technology and Network Design

Ameneh Sobhani
University Assistant
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc, Petroleum Engineering- Reservoir Management, Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2014-2017
- BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahvaz, Iran 2010-2014
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2022
- Petroleum Engineer, National Iranian South Oil Company 2019-2022
- QC, Petroleum Upstream Laboratory 2018-2019
- EOR Researcher, NKN Co. 2017-2018
- Internship at Integrated Planning and Director, National Iranian Oil Company 2015
- Researcher in Petroleum Laboratory of Sharif University 2015-2017
- Internship at Petroleum Engineering department, National Iranian South Oil Company 2013
- Internship at Production Engineering Department, Karoon Oil and Gas Production Company 2012
Research Interests
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Well Logging Analysis
- Geothermal Energy
- Underground Gas Storage
- Economic Analysis of Petroleum Engineering Projects

Gerald Stiedl
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- MSc Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019-2021
- BSc Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben 2014-2019
- Higher Federal Institute for Experimental Chemistry, HBLVA Rosensteingasse, Vienna 2008-2013
- University Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- Student Assistant, Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry, Montanuniversität Leoben 2018-2021
- Summer Internship, Material and process analysis, BMW Motoren, Steyr, Austria 2017
- Technology, Research & Development, voestalpine BÖHLER Aerospace, Kapfenberg, Austria 2017-2018
- Summer Internship, Well Service, RAG Austria AG, Ried i.I., Austria 2016
Research Interests
- Hydrogen storage and mobility
- Power-to-gas technologies
- Investigation of displacement processes via CT scanning
- Fluid transport in porous media
- Carbon capture utilization and storage

Rotman A. Criollo Manjarrez
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- BSc, Geological Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain 0-2011
- MSc, Geotechnical Engineering – Groundwater Hydrology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain 0-2013
- Postdoctoral researcher, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), Spain since 2021
- Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Spain 2019-2021
Research Interests
- Subsoil energy – water nexus
- Interaction of subsurface resources and human activities

Hanzhang Li
Visiting Scholar
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China since 2022
- MSc, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing, China 2019-2022
- BSc, Water Conservancy & Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China 2015-2019
- Visiting Scholar, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
Research Interests
- Phase field method: elastoplastic failure, adaptive mesh
- Fracture of brittle solids
- Coupled processes in Hydraulic fracturing

Yuhao Liu
Visiting Scholar
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Visiting scholar, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
- PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China since 2021
- BSc, Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 2017-2021
Research Interests
- Phase field modelling
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Petroleum Engineering
- THM coupling theory

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Leonhard Ganzer
Visiting Professor
Reservoir Engineering

Prof. PhD
Abdolnabi Hashemi
Visiting Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College London, UK 2002-2006
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College London, UK 2000-2001
- BSc Chemical Engineering (Petroleum Resources Production), Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran 1987-1992
- Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology since 2014
- Chancellor, Petroleum University of Technology, Iran 2014-2017
- Dean of Tehran Faculty of Petroleum, Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2012-2014
- Head of Department of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran 2010-2012
- National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) at different engineering and managemental positions 1992-2000
Research Interests
- Well Test Analysis
- Compositional Simulation and Reservoir Modelling
- Drilling Optimization
- Oil Field Digitalization

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Eng. Tech.Eng. MSc.
Andreas Nascimento
Visiting Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- Postdoctoral Scientist in Applied Systems Analysis for Drilling Automation/Optimization, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria 2018-2019
- Doctoral exchange development, Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Petroleum Engineering (DPE), Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering (CDC), Austria 2015
- Dr.-Eng. in Mechanical Engineering - Petroleum and Petrochemistry, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil 2012-2016
- Dipl.-Ing. in Petroleum Engineering - Drilling Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2010-2012
- M.Sc. in Energy Engineering - Exploration of the Rational Use of Natural Resources and Energy, Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI), Brazil 2008-2010
- Eng. in Computer Engineering, Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI), Brazil 2003-2008
- Tech. in Industrial Computer Science, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil 2000-2002
- Guest Professor (Alexander von Humdolt Fellow), TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF), Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining (IBF), Germany since 2024
- Permanent (Tenured) Professor, Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI), Energy Group, Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IEM), Brazil since 2022
- Fellow for Technological Development and Innovative Extension, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (DT-2/CNPq), Brazil since 2020
- Visiting Professor, Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Petroleum Engineering (DPE), Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering (CDC), Austria since 2019
- Permanent (Tenured) Professor, Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), Department of Engineering and Technology (DET), Brazil 2016-2022
- While at the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES): Head of Department, Research Group Coordinator - “Petroleum/Natural Gas Engineering, Energy and Environment” 2016-2022
- Advisor for International Relations - Campus São Mateus, and Scientific Advisor for Research and Innovation - FAPES, Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) 2016-2022
- General Field Engineer, Schlumberger Oilfield Services, Drilling & Measurements Segment (activities: onshore/offshore, ultra-deepwater, pre-salt, LWD/MWD, drilling optimization), Angola 2011-2014
Research Interests
Prof. Andreas Nascimento’s areas of interest in research include Applied Computer Engineering, Oil Field Digitization, Drilling Automation and Optimization, as well as new frontiers in accessing Natural Resources. Within this context, technical-scientific research project developments focused on pre-salt/ultra-deepwater and geoenergy exploration/exploitation challenges are of particular interest, including hydrogen and geothermal resources. General project management, new technologies, human resources development, industry-academic interaction and international relations are other areas of interest.

Anitha Andiappan
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Msc Petroleum Engineering (distinction), Montanuniversität Leoben 2011-2013
- BEng (Hons Chemical) National University of Singapore & ETH Zürich 2007-2010
- Expert Underground Hydrogen Storage since 2020
- Reservoir Engineer Subsurface Storage & Development since 2017
- Reservoir Engineer Reservoir Management, Exploration & Production, RAG Austria 2014-2016
- Tutor Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2012
- Process Engineer, WorleyParsons Singapore 2010
- Research Assistant Institute Of Chemical & Bioengineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland 2009
Research Interests
- Hydrogen Storage in Underground Porous Reservoirs USS2030
- Underground Gas Storages in Porous Reservoirs

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.
Heimo Anton
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering

Pit Arnold
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD candidate Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2018
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2017-2018
- BSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 0-2017
- Master Thesis, OMV and Montanuniversität Leoben 2018
- Research Associate and teaching assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2017
Research Interests
- Investigation of rock-fluid and fluid-fluid properties under varying conditions
- Microemulsion formation in the reservoir during EOR processes
- Analysis of Microemulsions
- Investigation of displacement processes using CT scanning

Thies J. Buchmann
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD in Geology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands 0-2008
- MSc in Geology, University of Hamburg, Germany 0-2022
- Staff Research Scientist, Chevron, Aberdeen, UK 2008-2009
- Staff Research Scientist, Chevron, Houston, USA 2008-2015
- Internship, Chevron, Houston, TX, USA 2007-2008
- Research assistant, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Germany 2004-2007
Research Interests
- Modelling of geological systems
- Computational geomechanics
- Structural geology

Florian Dutzler
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MA, Digital Business Innovation & Transformation, IMC Krems, Austria 2022-2024
- Exchange semester at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 2009
- MSc, International Business Administration, University Vienna, Austria 2009-2013
- BA, International Management, FH Joanneum Graz, Austria 2006-2009
- Head of Operative Controlling, OMV Group, Austria since 2023
- Controlling Manager, OMV Austria, Austria 2022-2023
- Senior Project Manager SAP S/4 HANA, OMV Upstream, Austria 2019-2022
- Senior Project Manager Finance/Economics, OMV Upstream, Austria 2018-2019
- Project Manager Business Development / M&A, GATX Rail, Austria 2017-2018
- Economics, Planning & Performance Manager, OMV Upstream, Austria 2016-2017
- Business Analyst CEE & Black Sear, OMV Upstream, Austria 2014-2015
- Financial Controller, OMV Upstream, Austria 2012-2013
- Various Internships at WKO Lisbon, OMV Group, Raiffeisen Invest AG, Embassy Peru, Hiab Chile, Miba Group 2007-2012
Research Interests
- Economics
- Finance
- Controlling
- Project Management
- Innovation & Digitalization

Thomas Finkbeiner
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Geophysics, Stanford University 1998
- MSc Geophysics, Stanford University 1994
- Research Professor, Ali Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology since 2016
- Senior Geomechanics Expert, OMV E&P 2013-2015
- Global Geomechanics Advisor, Baker Hughes Reservoir Development Services 2009-2013
- Director Europe-Africa-Middle East, GeoMechanics International, Inc. 1998-2008
Research Interests
- Mechanical response of reservoirs to pore pressure changes in fields/reservoirs (i.e., injection, stimulation, or depletion) and how this impacts fluid flow (e.g., production).
- Monitoring, laboratory testing, as well as numerical modeling to improve understanding and enhanced predictive capabilities for above phenomena for a variety of reservoir types such as fractured reservoirs (in particular carbonates), unconventional reservoirs, and so-called brown fields (that are produced using improved and enhanced recovery methods).
- Wellbore stability (i.e., mechanical integrity of boreholes both during drilling and production/injection) and real-time data acquisition including risk mitigation.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Wilfried Gruber
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Geology, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2003
- MSc Applied Geosciences, Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 1998
- Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2013
- Principal Geoscientist, HOT Engineering GmbH, Austria since 2005
- Geophysicist, Joanneum Research, Austria 1999-2005
- Research Associate, Department of Geology, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1997-1999
Research Interests
All aspects of reservoir characterization and modeling

Abdelfattah Lamik
Visiting Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD candidate, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2015
- Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineer, Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2014-2004
- Physics and Chemistry, University Abouchouaib Adoukalli, El Jadida, Morocco 2000-2003
- Senior Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2015
- Scientific Assistant, Material Center Leoben Forschung GmbH - MCL 2009-2014
- Design Engineer, Sandvik Mining and Construction 2008-2009
- Data Analyst, TDE Thonhauser Data Engineering GmbH 2005-2007
Research Interests
A major concern in well integrity is the Cement/Casing Interface, which should not fail within a pre-determined lifetime. The objective of the research is the investigation of durability and crack growth propagation in this interface under several conditions.

Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Clemens Langbauer
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2015
- MSc Geotechnical Engineering and Tunneling, Montanuniversität Leoben 2012
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2011
- External Lecturer Montanuniversität Leoben, Petroleum and GeoEnergy Engineering since 2021
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Local Mining Authority Leoben since 2021
- Senior Scientist, Montanuniversität Leoben 2011-2021
Research Interests
- Research in the optimization and development of Artificial Lift Systems
- Pump Test Facility (performance testing of state-of-the-art artificial lift technology)
- Recovery of renewable energy (geothermal energy, hydrogen technology)
- Production optimization and flow assurance for oil, gas and geothermal wells

Mikhail Pavlov
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Doctoral programme at Montanuniversität Leoben since 2014
- Pipeline Engineering, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University 2009-2014
- Scientific employee at Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery since 2014
- Project engineer at “UralSoft Project” 2014
- Practice at “Eder Brunnenbau GmbH”, Munich, drilling 2013
- Internship at the oil-loading port Primorsk, Transneft, Locksmith on repairing technological plants 2012
- Internship at the distributing tank farm, LukOil Kogalum, Operator of the pumping plants 2011
- Internship at the oil factory, Moscow, Locksmith on repairing technological plants 2010
Research Interests
Application of Ultrasound waves for enhanced oil recovery, Ultasound application in pipelines for measurements and cleaning.

Marc Pesendorfer
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering

Julian Pflügl
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc Drilling Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2019
- None-Degree Petroleum Engineering & Economics, University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia 2018
- Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2017
- Visiting Lecturer, Department Petroleum Engineering at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- Accenture GmbH, Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, Vienna Austria since 2022
- T.A. Cook & Partner Consultants GmbH, Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, Berlin, Germany since 2020
Research Interests
- Reliability Management
- Maintenance & Work Order Management
- STO (Shutdown / Turnaround / Outage) Management
- Digitalization
- Oil & Gas, Chemicals & Parma, Metals & Mining

Reinhard Pongratz
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1975
- Head of Production Technology OMV E&P, Austria, Europe since 2012
- Senior Sales Manager Halliburton Energy Services Austria, Europe 2009-2012
- Senior Principal Consultant Halliburton Energy Services Austria, Europe 2008-2009
- Regional Technology Manager – Europe/Eurasia Halliburton Rijswijk, Netherlands 2006-2008
- PE Engineering and Technology Manager Halliburton Energy Services Moscow, Russia 2002-2006
- Regional Technical Advisor Halliburton Energy Services Jakarta, Indonesia 2001-2002
- Regional Technical Advisor Halliburton Energy Services, Dubai, UAE 2000-2001
- Technology Leader / Technical Project Manager Muscat, Oman 1997-1999
- Technical Advisor, Marine Stimulation Coordinator, Doha, Qatar 1995-1996
- Operations Engineer, Halliburton Services, Bugulma, Russia 1993
- Senior Field Engineer, Halliburton Energy Services, Doha, Qatar 1993-1995
- Operations Engineer, Halliburton Services Offshore, North Sea 1991-1992
- Field Engineer, Halliburton Services Offshore, North Sea 1990-1991
- Engineer in Training, Halliburton Services, Germany, Yugoslavia, The Netherlands, North Sea, and USA. 1989-1990
- Director, Institute of Drilling and Production Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1988
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Drilling and Production Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1984-1988
Research Interests
- Artificial lift
- Completions
- Stimulation
- Sand control
- Water control
- Flow assurance

Naim Saddiq
Visiting Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, The University of Oklahoma-Norman (USA) 1997-2000
- BSc Mining Engineering, UET Lahore 1991-1996
- Managing Director, Oxford Well Engineering, London (UK) since 2018
- Senior Drilling Consultant (in-house Major Operators), Halliburton (UK) 2013-2018
- Senior Drilling Applications Engineer, Baker Hughes (UK) 2007-2013
- MWD/LWD Field Services Lead Engineer, Gulf of Mexico (USA) 2001-2007
- Graduate Research Assistant, The University of Oklahoma-Norman (USA) 1997-2000
Research Interests
Naim Saddiq, a UK Chartered Engineer, is an independent drilling professional with over 20 years of USA/UK experience. He carries a wealth of experience, working with service companies and in-house drilling engineering roles with various operators. He has worked hands-on with a variety of drilling engineering projects and performed seamlessly in multi-disciplinary drilling teams. Saddiq carries a relentless passion for step-change in well costs through better designs and smoother executions.
Naim Saddiq’s areas of expertise are summarized as follows:
- Directional well planning and optimizations
- Well engineering designs and drilling simulations
- Drilling project management
- Real-time drilling optimizations
- Integrated well data analysis.

Joy Singh
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Certificate Change Manager, Prosci, USA 2016
- Certificate Reliability Centred Maintenance Facilitator, Aladon, Canada 2014
- B.Eng Mechateronics Engineering, McMaster University, Canada 2009
- Visiting Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2023
- Accenture GmbH, Industry X, Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, Berlin, Germany since 2022
- T.A. Cook Consultants Inc., Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, North America 2017-2022
- Deloitte, Strategy & Operations Consulting, Toronto, Canada 2014-2016
- Suncor, Project Engineer-In-Training, Fort McMurray Canada 2013
- ADI, Operations & Maintenance Manager, Mississauga, Canada 2010-2012
- Various, Sales Engineer, Toronto, Canada 2007-2010
Research Interests
- Asset Management and Operations
- Maintenance efficiency and Work Order Management
- STO (Shutdown / Turnaround / Outage) Management
- Maintenance & Reliability effectiveness and condition monitoring
- Oil & Gas, Chemicals & Parma, Metals & Mining

Thomas Spörker
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Post Graduate Studies focus on Economics and Legal Business, Technical University Vienna, Austria 1998
- Petroleum Engineering, Mining University Leoben, Austria 1993
- Lecture Mining University Leoben Health, Safety and Environment in the oil & gas industry since 2008
- Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy Head of division Mining - Technology and Safety since 2006
- Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor division Mining - Technology and Safety 2002-2006
- Federal Ministry of Economics - Local Mining Authority Vienna 1994-2001
Research Interests
- Safety in Borehole Mining Operations
- Occupational Safety and Health Issues
- Environmental Aspects in Oil & Gas Operations
- Risk Management and Emergency Planning

PhD MEng.
Dean Thornton
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Civil & Computational Engineering, University of Wales Swansea 2005
- MEng Civil Engineering, University of Wales Swansea 2001
- Geomechanics Advisor – Lower Carbon, Chevron, Aberdeen UK since 2012
- Postdoctoral Senior Researcher, University of Wales Swansea 2005
- Geomechanics Project Manager, Rockfield Software Ltd., Swansea UK 2005-2012
Research Interests
- 3D/4D – Mechanical Earth Modelling
- Computational Geomechanics
- Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled processes
- Hydrogen and Carbon Storage and Geothermal systems
- Geo-monitoring

Arman Valian
Visiting Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Mechanical Engineering, University of Leoben, Austria 2002-2009
- Trainer at AHK-Tehran since 2017
- Visiting Lecturer, Department Petroleum Engineering, University of Leoben since 2016
- Trainer, Tehran Business School since 2016
- Trainer, Industrial Management Institute, Tehran since 2015
- Business Etiquette Trainer and Lecturer since 2012
- Sales Manager and Technical Calculator, ANDRITZ AG Pumps and Turbines Section, Graz 2010-2012
Research Interests
Business etiquette trainer and lecturer and cross-cultural training for managers, graduates and business people in German, Farsi, and English languages. During the workshops, we will discuss the codes of behavior in the society as well as at the negotiation table, in the meetings, etc., from dress code to table manners. Soft skills in daily life will also be discussed regarding “other countries, other customs.”
Founder of “ Valuable Managers Club” for FARSI speaking communities around the globe.

Elisabeth Koch
Office Manager
Drilling and Completion Engineering

Marlies Helbl
Office Manager
Geoenergy Production Engineering

Bettina Matzer
Office Manager
Reservoir Engineering

Andreas Öfler
Geoenergy Production Engineering

Michael Koopmans
Reservoir Engineering
Student Assistants
Drilling and Completion Engineering
Cernetchi Anna
Kharrat Mahmood, Karsh.
Knechtl Lukas, BSc
Seiwald Maximilian
Weiskirchner Stefan
Kyriakos Aliatakis
Fabiola Bonvecchio, BSc
Geoenergy Production Engineering
Mohammad Khasheei
Reservoir Engineering
Alexandra Seyr

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Gerhard Thonhauser
Head of Chair, University Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1998
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Joint Degree Montanuniversität Leoben and Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado, US 1996
- Head of Department Petroleum Engineering 2015-2019
- Head of Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering since 2013
- Head of “Environmental Friendly Drilling Systems” initiative in Europe since 2009
- Consultant with ENI Technology, Milano, Italy, working in drilling fluids design and solids control 2001-2002
- Founder and Chairman of TDE Group, servicing the international industry with drilling performance analysis and benchmarking, as well as software, electronics and equipment development, and manufacturing since 2000
- Member of the Mittelplate-Dieksand Team, RWE Dea, Hamburg, Germany, drilling of record extended reach wells, development of cuttings transport solution in cooperation with Petrobras/CENPES 1997-1998
- Consultant with CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization), Australia, for the Genesis 2000 Project, from January 1999 managing of Genesis 2000 Europe 1996-2001
Research Interests
Prof. Gerhard Thonhauser has 20 years of experience providing the petroleum industry with the evaluation, analysis, and management of drilling and well-related data. His areas of research and development include “Drilling Process Monitoring and Analysis” combining modeling, advanced monitoring and sensing, and drilling analysis to optimize and automate the drilling process and to improve learning and knowledge management in drilling organizations. He has authored and co-authored around 100 publications in the area of drilling and completion engineering and data science. Head of “Environmental Friendly Drilling Systems” initiative in Europe since 2009, focusing on drilling and completion technologies with “Zero Harmful Environmental Impact”.

Univ.-Prof. MBA PhD
Kris Ravi
University Professor for Well Integrity
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MBA, Oklahoma State University/Rotterdam School of Management 1996-1999
- PhD, Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University 1985-1989
- President, Kris-Ravi Consultancy LLC, Kingwood, TX, USA since 2016
- Technology Fellow, Halliburton, Houston, TX, USA 2011-2016
- Chief Scientific Advisor, Halliburton, Houston, TX, USA 2008-2011
- Technical Advisor, Halliburton, Houston, TX, USA 2001-2008
- Team Leader, Halliburton Europe, The Netherlands 1995-2001
- Principal Scientist, Halliburton, Duncan, OK, USA 1989-1995
Research Interests
Designing and deploying Barrier elements to secure well integrity. Cement design and deployment for challenging wells such as CO2, Deepwater, HPHT, extended reach, geothermal and steam injection. Innovation and product development. Designing for P&A. Solving challenges during drilling and cementing such as lost circulation, gas migration. Designing and deploying monitoring system to verify Barrier elements. Data analysis, capturing lessons learned for continuous improvement. Teaching, training, mentoring. Leading teams. Improving organization efficiency. Raising funds for innovation. Growing business and improving return on investment. Developing strategy for growth.
Scientific Staff

Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Michael Prohaska-Marchried
Assistant Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Asad Elmgerbi
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2019-2023
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2010-2012
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Tripoli University, Libya 1996-2000
- Work as lecturer at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2014
- Field drilling engineer with Wintershall Libya 2008-2009
- Drilling engineer with Wintershall world wide 2006-2007
- Production Supervisor with Wintershall Libya 2002-2005
Research Interests
- Developing an advanced integrated system capable of automatically detecting and classifying down-hole problems such as losses, kicks, stuck-pipe, string failure, and well-bore instability with high efficiency and accuracy.
- Improving the transmission of real-time drilling data using cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure seamless and reliable data flow during drilling operations.
- Working on the development of a novel concept for real-time measurement of cuttings density and ROP.
- Developing environmentally friendly drilling fluids, novel additives, and formulations designed to improve well-bore stability, minimise formation damage, and enhance drilling efficiency, all while prioritising sustainability.

Alexander Fine
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Materials Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 1994-1998
- Dipl.-Eng. Materials Engineering, Samara State Technical University, Russia 1977-1982
- Research Associate, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2017
- Owner, Fine Solutions, Austria since 2016
- Senior Project Engineer, Weatherford company, Russia 2011-2012
- Materials Engineer, TDE Group GmbH, Leoben, Austria 2011-2015
- Project Engineer, Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing Project at Malmö University, Sweden 2008
- Research Materials Engineer, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 2007-2009
- Project Manager, STI Laser Industries, Israel 2004-2007
- Quality Assurance/Metallurgy Manager, Advanced Coding Systems Ltd., Israel 2002-2004
- Aerospace industry, Carmel Forge LTD. (Subsidiary of Pratt & Whitney), Process Metallurgist, Israel 1998-2002
- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel 1994-1998
Research Interests
- Materials expertise and testing
- Aluminum Alloy Tubulars application in extended-reach wells
- Advanced materials application in drill bit design
- Solid Expandable Liner Systems in cased-hole and open-hole applications
- Fiber optic technology in well integrity monitoring
- Work performance analysis of materials under well-operating conditions
- Types of damages identification depending on operating conditions
- Design concepts review
- Manufacturing supervision

Sahar Keshavarz
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Production Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2014-2016
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2010-2014
- Senior Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2020
- Guest Researcher, Department of Chemical and Biochemical engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 2020
- Drilling Engineer, Sealand Engineering and Well Services, Tehran, Iran 2017-2019
- Drilling Engineer Trainee, Sealand Engineering and Well Services, Tehran, Iran 2016-2017
- Trainee at Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran 2013
Research Interests
- Drilling Optimization
- Oil Field Digitalization
- Data Analysis
- Cost Optimization
- Directional Drilling
- Drilling Automation

M. Tech. PhD
Shwetank Krishna
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia 2018-2021
- MTech Petroleum Exploration and Production, Andhra University, India 2013-2015
- BTech Geoscience Engineering, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India 2009-2013
- Senior Lecturer, Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering, Montanuniverstät Leoben, Austria since 2021
- Graduate Research Assistant, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia 2020-2021
- Graduate Assistant, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia 2018-2020
- Assistant Professor, Chandigarh University, India 2015-2018
- Research Summer Intern, National Institute of Hydrology, India 0-2012
- Dissertation Trainee, Institute of Oil and Gas Production Technology, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), India 0-2015
Research Interests
- Mathematical Modelling
- Predictive Modelling
- Fluid Flow Analysis
- Drilling Fluid Rheological Studies

Sharen León
Senior Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD candidate, Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2022-2025
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2016-2019
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, UNAM, Mexico City 2004-2009
- Senior Lecturer, Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering, Montanuniverstät Leoben, Austria since 2019
- Social Media & Web Content Manager, Department Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniverstät Leoben, Austria 2016-2023
- Administrative Manager, DMX Technologies, Mexico City 2013-2016
- Drilling Engineer, Well Design Department, Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), Tabasco, Mexico 2010-2013
- Junior Drilling Engineer, Well Design Department, Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), Tabasco, Mexico 2009-2010
Research Interests
- Well Plug & Abandonment
- Wellbore Instability
- Metal Additive Manufacturing in O&G Industry
- Digital Design and Manufacturing

Dipl.-Ing. Fogh-lis.
Arash Nasiri
University Assistant
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc International study program in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering. Montanuniversität Leoben 2017-2020
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Drilling and Production. Sharif University of Technology, Iran 2013-2015
- BSc Chemical Engineering: Design Oil Industry Processes. Mazandaran University, Iran 2007-2012
- University Assistant, Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2019
- Project member, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2018-2019
- Sazeh Consultants Engineering and Construction, Shazand oil refinery 2011-2013
Research Interests
- Investigation of fluid-fluid properties using microfluidics
- Digitalization and monitoring of safe carbon storage
- Fracture propagation models
- Cement sheath integrity
- Enhanced oil recovery
- Hydrogen production

Prof. PhD
Abdolnabi Hashemi
Visiting Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College London, UK 2002-2006
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College London, UK 2000-2001
- BSc Chemical Engineering (Petroleum Resources Production), Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran 1987-1992
- Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology since 2014
- Chancellor, Petroleum University of Technology, Iran 2014-2017
- Dean of Tehran Faculty of Petroleum, Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2012-2014
- Head of Department of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran 2010-2012
- National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) at different engineering and managemental positions 1992-2000
Research Interests
- Well Test Analysis
- Compositional Simulation and Reservoir Modelling
- Drilling Optimization
- Oil Field Digitalization

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Eng. Tech.Eng. MSc.
Andreas Nascimento
Visiting Professor
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- Postdoctoral Scientist in Applied Systems Analysis for Drilling Automation/Optimization, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria 2018-2019
- Doctoral exchange development, Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Petroleum Engineering (DPE), Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering (CDC), Austria 2015
- Dr.-Eng. in Mechanical Engineering - Petroleum and Petrochemistry, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil 2012-2016
- Dipl.-Ing. in Petroleum Engineering - Drilling Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2010-2012
- M.Sc. in Energy Engineering - Exploration of the Rational Use of Natural Resources and Energy, Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI), Brazil 2008-2010
- Eng. in Computer Engineering, Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI), Brazil 2003-2008
- Tech. in Industrial Computer Science, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil 2000-2002
- Guest Professor (Alexander von Humdolt Fellow), TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF), Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining (IBF), Germany since 2024
- Permanent (Tenured) Professor, Federal University of Itajuba (UNIFEI), Energy Group, Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IEM), Brazil since 2022
- Fellow for Technological Development and Innovative Extension, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (DT-2/CNPq), Brazil since 2020
- Visiting Professor, Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Petroleum Engineering (DPE), Chair of Drilling and Completion Engineering (CDC), Austria since 2019
- Permanent (Tenured) Professor, Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), Department of Engineering and Technology (DET), Brazil 2016-2022
- While at the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES): Head of Department, Research Group Coordinator - “Petroleum/Natural Gas Engineering, Energy and Environment” 2016-2022
- Advisor for International Relations - Campus São Mateus, and Scientific Advisor for Research and Innovation - FAPES, Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) 2016-2022
- General Field Engineer, Schlumberger Oilfield Services, Drilling & Measurements Segment (activities: onshore/offshore, ultra-deepwater, pre-salt, LWD/MWD, drilling optimization), Angola 2011-2014
Research Interests
Prof. Andreas Nascimento’s areas of interest in research include Applied Computer Engineering, Oil Field Digitization, Drilling Automation and Optimization, as well as new frontiers in accessing Natural Resources. Within this context, technical-scientific research project developments focused on pre-salt/ultra-deepwater and geoenergy exploration/exploitation challenges are of particular interest, including hydrogen and geothermal resources. General project management, new technologies, human resources development, industry-academic interaction and international relations are other areas of interest.

Abdelfattah Lamik
Visiting Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- PhD candidate, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2015
- Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineer, Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2014-2004
- Physics and Chemistry, University Abouchouaib Adoukalli, El Jadida, Morocco 2000-2003
- Senior Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2015
- Scientific Assistant, Material Center Leoben Forschung GmbH - MCL 2009-2014
- Design Engineer, Sandvik Mining and Construction 2008-2009
- Data Analyst, TDE Thonhauser Data Engineering GmbH 2005-2007
Research Interests
A major concern in well integrity is the Cement/Casing Interface, which should not fail within a pre-determined lifetime. The objective of the research is the investigation of durability and crack growth propagation in this interface under several conditions.

Naim Saddiq
Visiting Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, The University of Oklahoma-Norman (USA) 1997-2000
- BSc Mining Engineering, UET Lahore 1991-1996
- Managing Director, Oxford Well Engineering, London (UK) since 2018
- Senior Drilling Consultant (in-house Major Operators), Halliburton (UK) 2013-2018
- Senior Drilling Applications Engineer, Baker Hughes (UK) 2007-2013
- MWD/LWD Field Services Lead Engineer, Gulf of Mexico (USA) 2001-2007
- Graduate Research Assistant, The University of Oklahoma-Norman (USA) 1997-2000
Research Interests
Naim Saddiq, a UK Chartered Engineer, is an independent drilling professional with over 20 years of USA/UK experience. He carries a wealth of experience, working with service companies and in-house drilling engineering roles with various operators. He has worked hands-on with a variety of drilling engineering projects and performed seamlessly in multi-disciplinary drilling teams. Saddiq carries a relentless passion for step-change in well costs through better designs and smoother executions.
Naim Saddiq’s areas of expertise are summarized as follows:
- Directional well planning and optimizations
- Well engineering designs and drilling simulations
- Drilling project management
- Real-time drilling optimizations
- Integrated well data analysis.

Arman Valian
Visiting Lecturer
Drilling and Completion Engineering
- MSc Mechanical Engineering, University of Leoben, Austria 2002-2009
- Trainer at AHK-Tehran since 2017
- Visiting Lecturer, Department Petroleum Engineering, University of Leoben since 2016
- Trainer, Tehran Business School since 2016
- Trainer, Industrial Management Institute, Tehran since 2015
- Business Etiquette Trainer and Lecturer since 2012
- Sales Manager and Technical Calculator, ANDRITZ AG Pumps and Turbines Section, Graz 2010-2012
Research Interests
Business etiquette trainer and lecturer and cross-cultural training for managers, graduates and business people in German, Farsi, and English languages. During the workshops, we will discuss the codes of behavior in the society as well as at the negotiation table, in the meetings, etc., from dress code to table manners. Soft skills in daily life will also be discussed regarding “other countries, other customs.”
Founder of “ Valuable Managers Club” for FARSI speaking communities around the globe.
Student Assistants
Cernetchi Anna
Kharrat Mahmood, Karsh.
Knechtl Lukas, BSc
Seiwald Maximilian
Weiskirchner Stefan
Kyriakos Aliatakis
Fabiola Bonvecchio, BSc

Univ.-Prof. PhD
Keita Yoshioka
Head of Chair, University Professor
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University 2007
- BS Resources and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University 2003
- Head of Chair of Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2022
- Work Group Leader, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany 2017-2022
- Geothermal Reservoir Engineer, Chevron Geothermal, Jakarta, Indonesia 2008
- Staff Research Scientist, Chevron, Houston, USA 2007-2017
Research Interests
- Fracture propagation in porous media – webinars at ARMA HFC and GeoScience & GeoEnergy
- THM/C coupled process
- Well stimulation
- Computational geomechanics
- Supercritical geothermal system
- Profiles on ResearchGate and Google Scholar
Scientific Staff

Tao You
Senior Researcher
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China 2017-2021
- MSc, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, China 2014-2017
- BSc, Mining Engineering, Fuzhou University, China 2010-2014
- Senior Scientist, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- Postdoc Fellow, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany 2021-2023
- Visiting scholar, Computational Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, US 2019-2020
Research Interests
- Rock mechanics: damage, fracture and plasticity
- Fracture propagation in geomaterials
- THM/C coupled process in DFNs and porous media.
- High performance computing

Mojtaba Abdolkhani
University Assistant
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc Mechanical Engineering- Solid Mechanics, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran 2019-2023
- BSc Mechanical Engineering, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran 2015-2019
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- Research Intern, Engineering Mechanics of Soft Interfaces Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland 2022
- Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran 2019-2022
- Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Agro-Industry Company, Iran 2017
- National Iranian Gas Company, Iran 2016
Research Interests
● Multiphysics modeling
● Computational methods for fracture prediction
● Phase field modeling
● Computational mechanics of materials
● Geomechanics

Ramzy Albishini
University Assistant
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität 2016-2019
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Al-Baath University, Syria 2001-2008
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität since 2021
- Production Engineer, Syrian Petroleum Company, Syria 2011-2015
Research Interests
- Produced Water Treatment
- Stimulation
- Flow Assurance
- Shallow Geothermal Energy

Ameneh Sobhani
University Assistant
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc, Petroleum Engineering- Reservoir Management, Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2014-2017
- BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahvaz, Iran 2010-2014
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2022
- Petroleum Engineer, National Iranian South Oil Company 2019-2022
- QC, Petroleum Upstream Laboratory 2018-2019
- EOR Researcher, NKN Co. 2017-2018
- Internship at Integrated Planning and Director, National Iranian Oil Company 2015
- Researcher in Petroleum Laboratory of Sharif University 2015-2017
- Internship at Petroleum Engineering department, National Iranian South Oil Company 2013
- Internship at Production Engineering Department, Karoon Oil and Gas Production Company 2012
Research Interests
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Well Logging Analysis
- Geothermal Energy
- Underground Gas Storage
- Economic Analysis of Petroleum Engineering Projects

Rotman A. Criollo Manjarrez
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- BSc, Geological Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain 0-2011
- MSc, Geotechnical Engineering – Groundwater Hydrology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain 0-2013
- Postdoctoral researcher, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), Spain since 2021
- Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Spain 2019-2021
Research Interests
- Subsoil energy – water nexus
- Interaction of subsurface resources and human activities

Hanzhang Li
Visiting Scholar
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China since 2022
- MSc, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing, China 2019-2022
- BSc, Water Conservancy & Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China 2015-2019
- Visiting Scholar, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
Research Interests
- Phase field method: elastoplastic failure, adaptive mesh
- Fracture of brittle solids
- Coupled processes in Hydraulic fracturing

Yuhao Liu
Visiting Scholar
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Visiting scholar, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
- PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China since 2021
- BSc, Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 2017-2021
Research Interests
- Phase field modelling
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Petroleum Engineering
- THM coupling theory

Anitha Andiappan
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Msc Petroleum Engineering (distinction), Montanuniversität Leoben 2011-2013
- BEng (Hons Chemical) National University of Singapore & ETH Zürich 2007-2010
- Expert Underground Hydrogen Storage since 2020
- Reservoir Engineer Subsurface Storage & Development since 2017
- Reservoir Engineer Reservoir Management, Exploration & Production, RAG Austria 2014-2016
- Tutor Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2012
- Process Engineer, WorleyParsons Singapore 2010
- Research Assistant Institute Of Chemical & Bioengineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland 2009
Research Interests
- Hydrogen Storage in Underground Porous Reservoirs USS2030
- Underground Gas Storages in Porous Reservoirs

Thies J. Buchmann
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD in Geology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands 0-2008
- MSc in Geology, University of Hamburg, Germany 0-2022
- Staff Research Scientist, Chevron, Aberdeen, UK 2008-2009
- Staff Research Scientist, Chevron, Houston, USA 2008-2015
- Internship, Chevron, Houston, TX, USA 2007-2008
- Research assistant, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Germany 2004-2007
Research Interests
- Modelling of geological systems
- Computational geomechanics
- Structural geology

Florian Dutzler
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MA, Digital Business Innovation & Transformation, IMC Krems, Austria 2022-2024
- Exchange semester at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 2009
- MSc, International Business Administration, University Vienna, Austria 2009-2013
- BA, International Management, FH Joanneum Graz, Austria 2006-2009
- Head of Operative Controlling, OMV Group, Austria since 2023
- Controlling Manager, OMV Austria, Austria 2022-2023
- Senior Project Manager SAP S/4 HANA, OMV Upstream, Austria 2019-2022
- Senior Project Manager Finance/Economics, OMV Upstream, Austria 2018-2019
- Project Manager Business Development / M&A, GATX Rail, Austria 2017-2018
- Economics, Planning & Performance Manager, OMV Upstream, Austria 2016-2017
- Business Analyst CEE & Black Sear, OMV Upstream, Austria 2014-2015
- Financial Controller, OMV Upstream, Austria 2012-2013
- Various Internships at WKO Lisbon, OMV Group, Raiffeisen Invest AG, Embassy Peru, Hiab Chile, Miba Group 2007-2012
Research Interests
- Economics
- Finance
- Controlling
- Project Management
- Innovation & Digitalization

Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Clemens Langbauer
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2015
- MSc Geotechnical Engineering and Tunneling, Montanuniversität Leoben 2012
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2011
- External Lecturer Montanuniversität Leoben, Petroleum and GeoEnergy Engineering since 2021
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Local Mining Authority Leoben since 2021
- Senior Scientist, Montanuniversität Leoben 2011-2021
Research Interests
- Research in the optimization and development of Artificial Lift Systems
- Pump Test Facility (performance testing of state-of-the-art artificial lift technology)
- Recovery of renewable energy (geothermal energy, hydrogen technology)
- Production optimization and flow assurance for oil, gas and geothermal wells

Mikhail Pavlov
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Doctoral programme at Montanuniversität Leoben since 2014
- Pipeline Engineering, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University 2009-2014
- Scientific employee at Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery since 2014
- Project engineer at “UralSoft Project” 2014
- Practice at “Eder Brunnenbau GmbH”, Munich, drilling 2013
- Internship at the oil-loading port Primorsk, Transneft, Locksmith on repairing technological plants 2012
- Internship at the distributing tank farm, LukOil Kogalum, Operator of the pumping plants 2011
- Internship at the oil factory, Moscow, Locksmith on repairing technological plants 2010
Research Interests
Application of Ultrasound waves for enhanced oil recovery, Ultasound application in pipelines for measurements and cleaning.

Julian Pflügl
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc Drilling Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2019
- None-Degree Petroleum Engineering & Economics, University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia 2018
- Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2017
- Visiting Lecturer, Department Petroleum Engineering at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- Accenture GmbH, Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, Vienna Austria since 2022
- T.A. Cook & Partner Consultants GmbH, Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, Berlin, Germany since 2020
Research Interests
- Reliability Management
- Maintenance & Work Order Management
- STO (Shutdown / Turnaround / Outage) Management
- Digitalization
- Oil & Gas, Chemicals & Parma, Metals & Mining

Reinhard Pongratz
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1975
- Head of Production Technology OMV E&P, Austria, Europe since 2012
- Senior Sales Manager Halliburton Energy Services Austria, Europe 2009-2012
- Senior Principal Consultant Halliburton Energy Services Austria, Europe 2008-2009
- Regional Technology Manager – Europe/Eurasia Halliburton Rijswijk, Netherlands 2006-2008
- PE Engineering and Technology Manager Halliburton Energy Services Moscow, Russia 2002-2006
- Regional Technical Advisor Halliburton Energy Services Jakarta, Indonesia 2001-2002
- Regional Technical Advisor Halliburton Energy Services, Dubai, UAE 2000-2001
- Technology Leader / Technical Project Manager Muscat, Oman 1997-1999
- Technical Advisor, Marine Stimulation Coordinator, Doha, Qatar 1995-1996
- Operations Engineer, Halliburton Services, Bugulma, Russia 1993
- Senior Field Engineer, Halliburton Energy Services, Doha, Qatar 1993-1995
- Operations Engineer, Halliburton Services Offshore, North Sea 1991-1992
- Field Engineer, Halliburton Services Offshore, North Sea 1990-1991
- Engineer in Training, Halliburton Services, Germany, Yugoslavia, The Netherlands, North Sea, and USA. 1989-1990
- Director, Institute of Drilling and Production Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1988
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Drilling and Production Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1984-1988
Research Interests
- Artificial lift
- Completions
- Stimulation
- Sand control
- Water control
- Flow assurance

Joy Singh
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Certificate Change Manager, Prosci, USA 2016
- Certificate Reliability Centred Maintenance Facilitator, Aladon, Canada 2014
- B.Eng Mechateronics Engineering, McMaster University, Canada 2009
- Visiting Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2023
- Accenture GmbH, Industry X, Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, Berlin, Germany since 2022
- T.A. Cook Consultants Inc., Intelligent Asset Management Consulting, North America 2017-2022
- Deloitte, Strategy & Operations Consulting, Toronto, Canada 2014-2016
- Suncor, Project Engineer-In-Training, Fort McMurray Canada 2013
- ADI, Operations & Maintenance Manager, Mississauga, Canada 2010-2012
- Various, Sales Engineer, Toronto, Canada 2007-2010
Research Interests
- Asset Management and Operations
- Maintenance efficiency and Work Order Management
- STO (Shutdown / Turnaround / Outage) Management
- Maintenance & Reliability effectiveness and condition monitoring
- Oil & Gas, Chemicals & Parma, Metals & Mining

Thomas Spörker
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- Post Graduate Studies focus on Economics and Legal Business, Technical University Vienna, Austria 1998
- Petroleum Engineering, Mining University Leoben, Austria 1993
- Lecture Mining University Leoben Health, Safety and Environment in the oil & gas industry since 2008
- Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy Head of division Mining - Technology and Safety since 2006
- Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor division Mining - Technology and Safety 2002-2006
- Federal Ministry of Economics - Local Mining Authority Vienna 1994-2001
Research Interests
- Safety in Borehole Mining Operations
- Occupational Safety and Health Issues
- Environmental Aspects in Oil & Gas Operations
- Risk Management and Emergency Planning

PhD MEng.
Dean Thornton
Visiting Lecturer
Geoenergy Production Engineering
- PhD Civil & Computational Engineering, University of Wales Swansea 2005
- MEng Civil Engineering, University of Wales Swansea 2001
- Geomechanics Advisor – Lower Carbon, Chevron, Aberdeen UK since 2012
- Postdoctoral Senior Researcher, University of Wales Swansea 2005
- Geomechanics Project Manager, Rockfield Software Ltd., Swansea UK 2005-2012
Research Interests
- 3D/4D – Mechanical Earth Modelling
- Computational Geomechanics
- Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled processes
- Hydrogen and Carbon Storage and Geothermal systems
- Geo-monitoring
Student Assistants
Mohammad Khasheei

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.rer.nat.
Holger Ott
Head of Department and Chair, University Professor
Reservoir Engineering
- Habilitation (Dr. habil.), Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany – Venia Legendi in Applied Geosciences 2015
- PhD in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 2004
- Diploma in Physics (Dipl.-Phys.), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 1999
- Apprenticeship diploma as Instrument Mechanic, Kautt&Bux KG, Stuttgart, Germany 1988
- Head of Department Petroleum Engineering since 2019
- Head of Chair of Reservoir Engineering since 2016
- Privatdozent (Associate Professor) at RWTH Aachen University, Germany since 2015
- Reader (honorary) at the Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom 2011-2016
- Senior Scientist at Shell Exploration & Production and Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Rijswijk/Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2006-2015
- Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researcher at Berlin University, Germany, University of Tokyo, Japan and University of Cologne, Germany with focus on solid state physics 1999-2006
Research Interests
- Fluid dynamics and reactive transport in porous media in particular on the pore scale and upscaling.
- Imaging of fluid and solute transport in porous media.
- Development of low-cost enhanced and improved oil recovery methods (IOR/EOR) tailored to regions and operations.
- Subsurface energy and waste storage such as large-scale hydrogen storage from excess renewable energy, and subsurface carbon storage for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Former research activities: low dimensional magnetism and coupling of magnetic and electronic structures in correlated and uncorrelated electron systems.

Univ.-Prof. MSc PhD
Riyaz Kharrat
University Professor for Carbonate Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Chemical Engineering, Enhanced Oil Recovery, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1989
- MSc Chemical Engineering, Thermal Oil Recovery, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1984
- BSc Chemical Engineering, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1981
- Kish Petroleum Engineering Tehran Iran – Project Manager of several offshore and onshore Iranian oil and gas fields 2012-2017
- Petroiran Development Company Tehran Iran – Consultant 2006-2011
- Petran Research Company Tehran Iran, Senior Reservoir Engineer 2000-2006
- Professor Petroleum University of Technology, Petroleum Department 1990-2017
- Instructor, Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1987-1990
- Research Assistant, Tertiary Oil Recovery Project, University of Kansas, U.S.A. 1984-1987
Research Interests
Improved Oil Recovery (IOR), Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Reservoir Modelling & Simulation, and Wax & Asphaltene studies.
Numerous production mechanisms and harsh reservoir conditions make the available EOR and most chemicals used for conventional reservoirs not to be suitable for naturally carbonated fractured reservoirs. Hence better reservoir characterization and proper selection and design of the injection fluids requires more attention. In my research, I was able to visualize and identify these mechanisms through designed experimental and modeling techniques. Processes such as GAGD, VAPEX, SAGD, TAGD, etc. were investigated thoroughly with the main focusing on understanding and quantifying EOR mechanisms for NCFR.
Scientific Staff

Siroos AzizMohammadi
Senior Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2009-2012
- PhD Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 2005
- MS Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 1996
- BS Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 1993
- Senior Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2015
- Senior Researcher, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2012-2015
- Senior Advisor, Petropars Oil and Gas Institute (POGI), Tehran, Iran 2008-2009
- Lecturer, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran 2006-2007
- Senior Reservoir Engineer, Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC), Tehran, Iran 2005-2009
- Reservoir Engineer, Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC), Tehran, Iran 2000-2005
Research Interests
My research interests are mainly focused on different aspects of “upscaling”, which is my most favorite topic. Following are research topics and projects that I have been working over the past few years:
- Two-phase flow upscaling
- Efficient upscaling method for naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs)
- Smart upscaling technique for structured/unstructured grids
- Modeling and analysis of multiscale phenomena in porous media
- Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS)
- Reactive transport modeling

Mohab Abdellatif
Research Associate
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Underground Hydrogen Storage, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2023
- MSc, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019-2020
- BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, University of Suez, Suez, Egypt 2011-2016
- Research Associate, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2023
- “With Study Break” Reservoir Engineer, ENI, Egypt 2018-2022
- Drilling Engineer, PetroDrilling, Egypt 2017-2018
Research Interests
- Underground Hydrogen Storage Characterization
- Hydrogen geochemical reactivity modeling
- Bio-reactive transport modeling
- Subsurface energy storage
- Waste energy utilization
- Reservoir integrated asset modeling

Patrick Jasek
Research Associate
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversity Leoben since 2020
- MSc. Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Recovery, Montanuniversity Leoben 2019-2020
- BSc. Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversity Leoben 2014-2019
- Higher Federal Institute for Experimental Chemistry, HBLVA Rosensteingasse, Vienna 2008-2013
- Research Associate, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2020
- Production Engineer, Erdwerk GmbH, Munich, Germany 2020
- Research Associate, Virtual Flow Metering, Leoben, Austria 2019-2020
- SEG Evolve Graduate, San Antonio, Texas, USA 2018-2019
- Orlen Upstream, Flow Assurance, Warsaw, Poland 2017
Research Interests
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
- Geothermal Energy Recovery and Utilization
- Hydrogen Storage and Mobility
- Hydro- and Geochemistry
- Power to Gas Technologies
- Subsurface Engineering

Bianca Brandstätter
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD candidate Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2020-2021
- BSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2013-2020
- University Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- Student Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2020-2021
Research Interests
- Fluid Transport in Porous Media
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Investigation of displacement processes via Micro-CT
- Microemulsions
- Microfluidics

Dipl.-Ing., BSc
Justin Anthony Fink
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
- MSc, Geoenergy Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2023-2024
- BSc, Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2019-2024
- University Assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2024
- CEO, Circular Carbon Technologies, Austria since 2023
- Internship Automation Technology, OMV Subsurface Technologies, Austria 2022
- Student Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering / OMV, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2022-2024
Research Interests
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
- Subsurface Energy Storage and Recovery
- Energy Landscape Modeling and Network Design
- Fluid Flow and reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Digital Rock Physics
- Machine Learning

Boris Jammernegg
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2020
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering - Geothermal Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019-2020
- BSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2012-2019
- University Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2020
- Student Assistant, Chair of Applied Mathematics, Montanuniversität Leoben 2015-2016
Research Interests
- Subsurface engineering
- Carbon capture storage and utilization
- Investigation of displacement processes via CT scanning
- Hydrogen storage and Power-to-Gas technologies
- Geothermal engineering
- Fluid flow and transport in porous media

Jakob Kulich
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2022
- BSc/MSc Applied Geosciences/Applied Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben 2013-2019
- Geophysicist, Geological Survey of Austria since 2019
- Research Associate, Chair of Applied Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019
Research Interests
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
- Geothermal Energy Recovery and Utilization
- Underground Thermal Energy Storage

Christoph Scherounigg
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- MSc Geoenergy Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2022
- BSc Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2015-2022
- PhD Student, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2023-2024
- Owner, AuraCode e.U., Austria 2022-2024
- Internship Well Services, ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Hannover, Germany 2019
- Internship Project Management, OMV Austria Exploration and Production GmbH, Gänserndorf, Austria 2018
- Development Engineer, AVL List GmbH, Graz, Austria 2018-2023
- Student Assistant, Chair of Mathematics and Statistics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 2018-2023
Research Interests
In-situ Hydrogen Production and Carbon Sequestration
Geothermal Energy Recovery
Fluid Transport in Porous Media
IoT Technology and Network Design

Gerald Stiedl
University Assistant
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Candidate, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- MSc Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben 2019-2021
- BSc Materials Science, Montanuniversität Leoben 2014-2019
- Higher Federal Institute for Experimental Chemistry, HBLVA Rosensteingasse, Vienna 2008-2013
- University Assistant, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2021
- Student Assistant, Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry, Montanuniversität Leoben 2018-2021
- Summer Internship, Material and process analysis, BMW Motoren, Steyr, Austria 2017
- Technology, Research & Development, voestalpine BÖHLER Aerospace, Kapfenberg, Austria 2017-2018
- Summer Internship, Well Service, RAG Austria AG, Ried i.I., Austria 2016
Research Interests
- Hydrogen storage and mobility
- Power-to-gas technologies
- Investigation of displacement processes via CT scanning
- Fluid transport in porous media
- Carbon capture utilization and storage

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Leonhard Ganzer
Visiting Professor
Reservoir Engineering

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.
Heimo Anton
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering

Pit Arnold
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD candidate Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2018
- MSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 2017-2018
- BSc International Study Program in Petroleum Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben 0-2017
- Master Thesis, OMV and Montanuniversität Leoben 2018
- Research Associate and teaching assistant, Montanuniversität Leoben since 2017
Research Interests
- Investigation of rock-fluid and fluid-fluid properties under varying conditions
- Microemulsion formation in the reservoir during EOR processes
- Analysis of Microemulsions
- Investigation of displacement processes using CT scanning

Thomas Finkbeiner
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Geophysics, Stanford University 1998
- MSc Geophysics, Stanford University 1994
- Research Professor, Ali Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology since 2016
- Senior Geomechanics Expert, OMV E&P 2013-2015
- Global Geomechanics Advisor, Baker Hughes Reservoir Development Services 2009-2013
- Director Europe-Africa-Middle East, GeoMechanics International, Inc. 1998-2008
Research Interests
- Mechanical response of reservoirs to pore pressure changes in fields/reservoirs (i.e., injection, stimulation, or depletion) and how this impacts fluid flow (e.g., production).
- Monitoring, laboratory testing, as well as numerical modeling to improve understanding and enhanced predictive capabilities for above phenomena for a variety of reservoir types such as fractured reservoirs (in particular carbonates), unconventional reservoirs, and so-called brown fields (that are produced using improved and enhanced recovery methods).
- Wellbore stability (i.e., mechanical integrity of boreholes both during drilling and production/injection) and real-time data acquisition including risk mitigation.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Wilfried Gruber
Visiting Lecturer
Reservoir Engineering
- PhD Geology, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2003
- MSc Applied Geosciences, Geophysics, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 1998
- Lecturer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria since 2013
- Principal Geoscientist, HOT Engineering GmbH, Austria since 2005
- Geophysicist, Joanneum Research, Austria 1999-2005
- Research Associate, Department of Geology, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria 1997-1999
Research Interests
All aspects of reservoir characterization and modeling
Student Assistants
Alexandra Seyr