Research Projects of All Chairs

Towards Drilling Automation: A Platform to Plan, Perform, and Monitor the Drilling Operation Automatically

Digitalization Lab

We3D Innovative Additive Manufacturing Applications in Downhole Operations

Digital Design and Manufacturing

Real-Time Monitoring of the Effect of CO2 on the Cement Sheath

Well Integrity

Feasibility Analysis of Deep ATES

Geothermal Energy Recovery

SimulAtion of CRAck propagation (SACRA)


Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)

Geothermal Energy Recovery

Numerical Modeling of Wormhole

Well Stimulation

Pump Testing Facility

Artificial Lift Systems

From Digital Rock Physics to Stochastic Reservoir Modeling


Hydrogen Storage and Methanation on Field Relevant Scales

Decarbonization and Energy Transitioning

Reservoir Characterization: The Effect of Natural Fractures on Production Data

Enhanced Recovery

Digital Rock Physics


Technology Development Roadmap for Carbonate Reservoir Exploration and Production

Enhanced Recovery

Explicit Continuum-Scale Modeling for Low Salinity Water Flooding

Enhanced Recovery
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