MSc Petroleum Engineering
1. Year
1. Semester (Winter)
Advanced Borehole Geophysics
Advanced Borehole Geophysics

Lecture 260.060 Geophysical Well Logging
The course covers the classical geophysical well-logging methods to determine lithology, porosity and pore fluids, as well as advanced borehole geophysical techniques. Specific topics covered are: • The borehole environment and Logging while drilling • Standard well-logging methods to determine lithology, porosity and pore fluids • The photo electric effect and spectral gamma methods • Nuclear magnetic resonance • Imaging and geomechanics • Formation testing • Borehole acoustic methods • Borehole seismic methods and synthetic well-ties In class exercises evaluate well-log data using commercial well-log analysis software and focus on the analysis of borehole data.
To understand the principles of borehole geophysics and integrate multiple geophysical data sets in qualitative and quantitative analysis.
continuous assessment
Computational Continuum Mechanics
Computational Continuum Mechanics

BSc or engineering degree in technology related areas; The course builds upon knowledge of Laplace eq., and heat modeling (550.982 Thermodynamik und Wärmeübertragung), Navier-Stokes eqs., and flow modeling (550.007 Geo Engineering Fluid Dynamics), and the infinitesimal deformation theory (400.008 Mechanik IB). Understanding of the numerical methods (170.004 Numerische Methoden I) and being able to read programs (150.100 Computeranwendung and Programmierung) is of advantage.
Successful participants will gain an insight into a general simulation workflow, will create a connection between physics models and their numerical implementation and will be able to solve a simulation problem of continuum mechanics independently, be it fluid dynamics, or solid mechanics
Successful participants will gain an insight into a general simulation workflow, will create a connection between physics models and their numerical implementation and will be able to independently solve a simulation problem of continuum mechanics, be it fluid dynamics and/or solid mechanics, using an OpenFOAM solver.
continuous assessment Meshing task (10 points), Project (50 points), Test (40 points) All-in-one exam possible during semester break (min. 45 points, test and project done) Grading: ≥90 points: excellent (1) 80 to <90 points: good (2) 65 to <80 points: satisfactory (3) 50 to <65 points: sufficient (4) <50 points: failed (5)
Crisis Management in the Petroleum Industry
Crisis Management in the Petroleum Industry


BSC courses in PE
The lectures will cover various types of situations where a crisis have occurred and describe the importance of setting up a crisis management system. The steps and procedures that have to be followed will be taught and different approaches to remediation will be discussed in the class. These are crucial details that nurtures the participants’ sense of responsibility while improving their competence in leadership. In addition, the students will also get trained in a TV studio in a simulation that strengthens their character and self-confidence, as well as their conversational and promoting skills. All this will allow them to take charge in case of a disaster or even act as company’s spokesperson. Successful participants will be able to identify the crisis potential. They will be capable of setting up a crisis organization within a short period of time. The ability of internal and external communication will be demonstrated and strengths and weaknesses will be identified.
This lecture intends to prepare the students for situations where unexpected events occur and need to be dealt with in a short amount of time. It trains the students, as future engineers and managers, to handle tough situations, make decisions and claim responsibilities.
In-class practice rounds are discussed and evaluated by the lecturers as well as the fellow students. Also a written exam will be given to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of the students.
Formation Impairment and Stimulation
Formation Impairment and Stimulation
BSc courses in PE
The first part of this lecture focuses on the history of the wellbore and the reservoir formation in its vicinity which presents the causes and various types of formation impairment. The next step is to deal with the concept of hydraulic fracturing, a form of stimulation, to alter the reservoir for a constructive purpose. To understand this phenomenon better, rock mechanics and fracture geometry, fracture conductivity, fracturing fluids, additives and proppants will be discussed individually to emphasize on their importance in a stimulation job. Moreover, theories of proppant transportation, as well as 2D and 3D models of fracture propagation, are presented. The lectures will also cover various types of acidizing technologies, as the second type of stimulation. It is of great importance to also talk about HSE issues as a key to successful performance of a stimulation job.
This course analyzes the various ways of purposely deteriorating the reservoir formation properties to remove obstacles and improve productivity. Such techniques surely play an important role in effective hydrocarbon recovery.

Sound understanding of sedimentology, basic petroleum geology and applied geophysics (bachelor level)
The participants learn well correlation and sedimentological interpretation of geophysical well logs as well as software-based interpretation of horizons and faults in reflection seismic data (horizon and fault picking). Based on the seismic horizons, fault patterns, log information and petrophysical data, the building of static reservoir models will be explained.
Ability to establish simple static reservoir models
2 Interim Test Final Test or Course Work
Petroleum Exploration
Petroleum Exploration

successful completion of lecture „Erdölgeologie“ (630.121) or an equivalent lecture
This integrated lecture with exercises covers work processes, procedures, strategic thinking in the petroleum industry “from entry into a petroleum prone basin to drilling exploration wells”: what needs to be considered to become successful: • petroleum system • sedimentary basins and rocks • seismic – from acquisition to prospect generation • opportunity evaluation & selection • risk assessment & mitigation • reserves / resources / potential • petroleum contracts • unconventional resources and methods • preparation and execution of an exploration well (operations geologic aspects) • exercises: practical examples of opportunity evaluations, field studies & business cases
students shall understand technical aspects of the „petroleum puzzle“, of business environmental and company strategic considerations in the petroleum industry
Project Management for Industrial Management
Project Management for Industrial Management


Framework & processes: Definition of a project & Project Management, processes, standards, link between project management and the functional organization Initiation & planning: Finding ideas, project charter, scope/time/cost planning, Work Breakdown Structure Executing & controlling: Scope/time/cost controlling, cycles, methods, managing baseline changes PM-software: MS-Project, Trello/collaboration tools, PM via Excel, WBSTool Communication & documentation: Communication models & methods, communication planning, stakeholder management, documentation Organization (HR): Organization charts, roles and responsibilities, decision making Risk management: Identification, assessment, managing risks, reassessment/cycles Program & portfolio management, maturity: Definition of a program, managing a program, definition of a portfolio, managing a portfolio, stage gate models, maturity Managing people: Leadership, interpersonal skills, management skills, communication Conflicts & crisis: Conflict management, crisis management
The participants know the basics of professional Project Management and they are able to effectively initiate, plan and manage/control projects. The knowledge will also help the participants prepare for an optional certification according to the international PMI-standard (e.g. CAPM / Certified Associate in Project Management).
written written and/or oral Multiple-choice test in each following class
Well Placement
Well Placement
Students are expected to have a basic understanding of geology, well logging, drilling engineering and production engineering. List of compulsary prior lectures
In this course students will be tought the basic concepts of well placement and the dependency of these principles on geoscience, drilling and production. Well placement and its applications are defined and the entire process from the planning to the execution stage is covered: Students will learn how to create the necessary geoscience models, well plans and LWD models. For the drilling stage, students will learn how to interprete measurements and the workflows to place the well in the target zone, meet the well objective and also consider the production restrictions for the later stage of the well life.
Students will learn how to create the necessary geoscience models, well plans, LWD models and will undergo telemetry and steering decision calculations.
Two written exams and project presentation
Wellbore and Reservoir Geomechanics
Wellbore and Reservoir Geomechanics
BSc courses in PE
Aims: To provide the geo-mechanical background and skills in the quantification of the mechanical properties of reservoir rocks and deformation processes of relevance to petroleum engineering. Objectives: Departing from the already familiar concepts of strain and stress Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, and elastic versus visco-plastic irreversible deformation, this lecture will explain how reservoir rocks deform (rheology), and the stress- and fluid pressure states they are in before and during production. This analysis also necessitates a review of natural / induced faulting and fracturing and the corresponding patterns and structures that often confine or occur within hydrocarbon reservoirs. The concepts: compaction, strain hardening and softening, strain localization, tensile and shear failure, constitutive models, the relationship between fluid pressure and effective stress, the yield-envelope, and typical stress states of the earth’s crust will be explained in sufficient detail to understand reservoir geo-mechanical studies and field tests. Special emphasis will be placed on stress measurement and wellbore stability (breakouts, hydraulic fracture etc.) as well as the deformation of reservoir rocks under low effective stress / elevated fluid pressure. FEM analysis will be used to investigate stresses and failure in geo-engineering applications. The PDEs governing elastic-plastic behavior and taking into account fluid pressure and flow will be introduced, deriving displacement based FEM formulations. Field studies on the Lost Hill anticline and offshore reservoirs in the western US will be used to illustrate these concepts in practice.
Course participants will learn standard techniques to evaluate the state of stress, fluid pressure regime, constitutive behavior and failure envelope for most common sedimentary rocks. This will enable them to assess borehole stability, the poroelastic response of a reservoir, and the risks of reservoir compaction and disintegration / sand production.
One piece of course work (30%), an interim exam (30%) and a final exam on all of the covered material (40%).
1. Semester (Winter) or 2. Semester (Summer)
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar


Selected chapters and actual topics from the petroleum business. Every student gets the chance to dive into selected topics of Petroleum Economics, in a way that under guidance of an advisor he is able to write a scientific article in SPE-paper style.
The aim of the course is to enable the student to write autonomously a scientific literature paper.
paper, written
Health, Safety and Environment
Health, Safety and Environment
BSc courses in PE
The course provides a comprehensive overview of national, European and international regulations of HSE that must be fully understood and implemented for all oil and gas production operations. Moreover, technical standards for well drilling, with particular attention to dangerous zones and materials, will be covered in the context of occupational safety and health, safety to third parties and environmental protection. The importance of risk assessment is also discussed and measures with respect to protection, preparedness and responsiveness will be debated as well. Upon successful completion of this course, the students will have a clear understanding of HSE procedures and can implement them from the very beginning of any process and identify issues on existing systems and remediate them.
The target of this course is to introduce the technical rules and protocols regarding health, safety, and environment which are key requirements for any operation in the field.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%.
2. Semester (Summer)
Introduction to Field Development Project
Introduction to Field Development Project
As members of an artificial asset team, course participants will gain proficiency and experience in the reservoir engineering workflow with the goal of the preparation and presentation of a development plan for a real reservoir. Objectives: Multi-disciplinary teams consisting of a petroleum geologist, driller, reservoir and production engineers and an economist, will use provided field data to characterize a reservoir, build a simulation model, history match it, and carry out sensitivity analysis to identify a favourable production strategy expressed and formulated into a field development plan written up as a report submitted in the context of a final presentation to management.
The main objective is to inter-relate separate subjects taught in formal lectures: characterization, drilling, well and reservoir optimization, design of surface facilities, economic forecasting and application to regulatory authorities. The students learn to work in interdisciplinary teams and how to process information from the different fields efficiently.
Continuous Assessment
Literature Review Project
Literature Review Project

Reservoir Characterisation and Modelling, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Reservoir Simulation Methods
Aims: To understand the function of-, referential character, structure, and organization of scientific publications and learn how to write a literature review following this format. Objectives: Explain the process of preparation, submission, review and publication of scientific articles and their structure. Give participants a sense of the purpose of this organization and the role of individual elements, with special emphasis on the introduction, and its subdivision into the review, claim, and agenda. Special emphasis will be placed on how a literature review uses citations to progress from the familiar to the new, how it should distinguish areas of broad agreement from ones of controversy, and how different sources and kinds of information available to scientists underpin different viewpoints.
Successful participants will know how to use scientific literature to quickly extract information, supporting evidence / arguments, and links to supporting materials from articles. They will understand the role of the abstract, introduction, method, result and discussion sections, the conclusions, acknowledgements, list of references, and notation tables. They will also be able to properly reference citations, figures, and tables and know how to write figure captions and other elements of a paper in the expected format. Similar knowledge with regard to the preparation of conference presentations will also be acquired.
Initial test must be passed, review (70%) and presentation to peers (30%) of final mark.
Elective Subject “Drilling Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Advanced Well Construction
Advanced Well Construction
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course consists of 3 parts: Geo-Mechanics, Advanced Drilling and Well Planning. The Geo-Mechanics part covers the following topics and necessary fundamentals of geo-mechanics for wellbore applications: the origin of stresses in the subsurface and how in situ stresses can be understood from wellbore data; mechanical properties such as rock strength, and the origins of pore pressure and how it is measured and estimated. The course then proceeds to show how these data are applied through the Mechanical Earth Model to critical problems in exploration and field development. This multi-disciplinary course provides a concise overview of basic rock mechanics and its application to wellbore stability and lost circulation. In the Advanced Drilling part specific problems associated with vertical and directional/horizontal drilling are discussed such as drill string fatigue design, advanced casing design (tri-axial, design for H2S applications), torque & drag (includes: drilling and pipe running operation), advanced hydraulics, surge & swab, hole cleaning & cutting transport and bottom hole assemblies design. Participants will receive instruction on planning and evaluating horizontal wells based on the objectives of the horizontal well. Additionally, they will become familiar with the tools and techniques used in directional drilling such as survey instruments, bottom hole assemblies, motors, steerable motors, and steerable rotary systems. Extended reach drilling, HPHT drilling and underbalanced drilling is also discussed in this part of the lecture. In the Well Planning part of the lecture students will learn to plan well using different modules of ‘Landmark’. Anti-collision planning, casing stress calculations, T&D soft-string modeling or applied hydraulics design are among the topics solved with ‘Landmark’ with the help of real well data.
Upon completion of the course, participants will get an insight understanding of technical well construction and planning for standard and special well design requirements (e.g. for extended reach drilling or underbalanced drilling). They will understand the importance of geo-mechanics and its meaning for well design and will be able to build geo-mechanical models using Excel sheet. Students will identify trajectory design issues and their influence on torque and drag and wellbore stability. They will design effective BHAs and match them to given objectives. Students will understand advanced casing design, fatigue failures of drill string components, understand surge / swab and optimize hole cleaning.
Continuous Assessment
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers

technical, environmental, economical importance of corrosion and corrosion protection in oil and gas production and refining, aspects of security, types of corrosion, corrosion monitoring and corrosion protection
generation of knowledge on materials and corrosion relevant for petroleum engineers
for an examination date please send an email to
Offshore Technology
Offshore Technology
List of compulsory prior lectures
This course covers all the important operations unique to offshore operations, such as rig types, rig move and emergency procedures and then goes into the various subsea structures and offshore drilling procedures. The students also have to prepare a short presentation about a specific topic, followed by an open discussion.
Participating students will get a valuable insight in the world of offshore operations and which they will need in their future career.
Final exam.
Well Construction Equipment
Well Construction Equipment

Basic knowledge of physical, electrical and mechanical coherences are expected. It is recommended to complete the first 2 semesters of the study program.
Based on industry experience, essential equipment for well construction will be explained. Emphasis will be put on the mast/substructure and hoisting equipment. Furthermore, introduction to electrical systems and hazardous areas will be given. Also, pump systems and solid control equipment will be touched. Power generation, basic well control and quality auditing will conclude this lecture.
The students gain knowledge in the different aspects of well construction. The participants improve their know-how on the various components and considerations for constructing a well. Furthermore they get a better understanding of design aspects of the different. Finally a sensibility for personnel and environmental safety will be acquired.
Continuous assessment and final exam
Well Control
Well Control
The course is categorized into theoretical and practical sections. In the theoretical part, the well control fundamental basics are discussed including primary well control, kick causes, kick indicators, shut-in methods, kill methods, and basics of well control simulation. In the practical part, the components and procedures of well control simulator DRILLSIM-50 are discussed. The students are then practically required to work with the well control simulator (e.g. drill, flow check, control and circulate the kick out of the hole). Then, the calculations corresponding to well control consisting of related formulas and also the kill sheet calculations are presented so that some examples can be worked out and solved.
The students will become familiar with well control theoretical fundamentals in an applied manner and also the practical procedures and calculations that a typical driller must be aware of. This ensures that graduates of drilling engineering can contribute to the safe well control and safety.
Written and practical exam with the simulator
Well Testing Operations
Well Testing Operations

BSc courses in PE
Initially, the purpose of well testing as a useful tool in reservoir analysis will be described. Different types of well testing such as drawdown test, build up test, drill-stem test, etc. will be introduced and the process of efficiently performing them will be discussed. The most critical task to deal with would be to interpret the obtained data and extract the necessary parameters, which will be done in class in cooperation with the students. The crucial component of here would be the knowledge of mathematics. Nevertheless, relative software will be introduced to assist on the interpretation of data. In addition, diagnostic plots, testing uncertainties and data conversion methods will be presented to the students in order to efficiently conclude the topic. As the final chapter of this lecture, the idea behind digital oil fields, their advantages and the required tools and practices will be introduced to the students.
This course introduces the concept of well testing as a technique to measure reservoir properties. It investigates different test types and the procedure, as well as reviewing the advantages and disadvantages as compared to the other alternatives.
A final written exam contributing to 100% of the grade
Elective Subject “Geothermal Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion

List of compulsory prior lectures
This course will discuss state-of-the art concepts, tools, rig selection, material selection, techniques and best practices used in drilling and completing various types of geothermal wells. A comparison on how geothermal well planning, drilling and completion concepts differ from standard oil and gas well construction is presented. Geothermal well planning focusing on time/cost versus depth on the one hand side plus technical issues on the other hand side like advanced BHA design, casing design, purpose selected well completions, cementing, annular isolation and well integrity issues will also be discussed.
Students will receive a fundamental knowledge on planning and executing geothermal well constructions based on the type of geothermal system being developed. Awareness of costs involved and technical issues during the well construction process must be developed.
Continuous assessment
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion

List of compulsory prior lectures
This course will discuss state-of-the art concepts, tools, rig selection, material selection, techniques and best practices used in drilling and completing various types of geothermal wells. A comparison on how geothermal well planning, drilling and completion concepts differ from standard oil and gas well construction is presented. Geothermal well planning focusing on time/cost versus depth on the one hand side plus technical issues on the other hand side like advanced BHA design, casing design, purpose selected well completions, cementing, annular isolation and well integrity issues will also be discussed.
Students will receive a fundamental knowledge on planning and executing geothermal well constructions based on the type of geothermal system being developed. Awareness of costs involved and technical issues during the well construction process must be developed.
Continuous assessment
Advanced Well Construction
Advanced Well Construction
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course consists of 3 parts: Geo-Mechanics, Advanced Drilling and Well Planning. The Geo-Mechanics part covers the following topics and necessary fundamentals of geo-mechanics for wellbore applications: the origin of stresses in the subsurface and how in situ stresses can be understood from wellbore data; mechanical properties such as rock strength, and the origins of pore pressure and how it is measured and estimated. The course then proceeds to show how these data are applied through the Mechanical Earth Model to critical problems in exploration and field development. This multi-disciplinary course provides a concise overview of basic rock mechanics and its application to wellbore stability and lost circulation. In the Advanced Drilling part specific problems associated with vertical and directional/horizontal drilling are discussed such as drill string fatigue design, advanced casing design (tri-axial, design for H2S applications), torque & drag (includes: drilling and pipe running operation), advanced hydraulics, surge & swab, hole cleaning & cutting transport and bottom hole assemblies design. Participants will receive instruction on planning and evaluating horizontal wells based on the objectives of the horizontal well. Additionally, they will become familiar with the tools and techniques used in directional drilling such as survey instruments, bottom hole assemblies, motors, steerable motors, and steerable rotary systems. Extended reach drilling, HPHT drilling and underbalanced drilling is also discussed in this part of the lecture. In the Well Planning part of the lecture students will learn to plan well using different modules of ‘Landmark’. Anti-collision planning, casing stress calculations, T&D soft-string modeling or applied hydraulics design are among the topics solved with ‘Landmark’ with the help of real well data.
Upon completion of the course, participants will get an insight understanding of technical well construction and planning for standard and special well design requirements (e.g. for extended reach drilling or underbalanced drilling). They will understand the importance of geo-mechanics and its meaning for well design and will be able to build geo-mechanical models using Excel sheet. Students will identify trajectory design issues and their influence on torque and drag and wellbore stability. They will design effective BHAs and match them to given objectives. Students will understand advanced casing design, fatigue failures of drill string components, understand surge / swab and optimize hole cleaning.
Continuous Assessment
Automated Data Acquisition
Automated Data Acquisition
The objective of this course is to understand and practice the path from data generation at sensors, processing at the PLC and storage at data server, followed by cloud processing. Several sensor types are studied, PLC programming basics are introduced, and storage systems are presented. Based on a project, students generate, process, store, and interpret data on models of industrial facilities.
The aim of this course is the full understanding of the digitalization of industrial processes.
Continuous evaluation during the course
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers

technical, environmental, economical importance of corrosion and corrosion protection in oil and gas production and refining, aspects of security, types of corrosion, corrosion monitoring and corrosion protection
generation of knowledge on materials and corrosion relevant for petroleum engineers
for an examination date please send an email to
Reservoir Simulation Methods for Geothermal Engineers
Reservoir Simulation Methods for Geothermal Engineers
BSc courses in PE, and in particular: Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media and Reservoir Fluids
The course will be based on the Reservoir Simulation Methods 1 course of the Reservoir Engineering curriculum and will provide the basic skills for numerical field simulations
Successful course participants will understand how simulation methods can be employed to model multi-phase reservoir flow. Basic programming skills and knowledge of algorithms will be acquired during the course
Course Work (50%), Final Exam (50%)
Subsurface Production System and Wellbore Heat Transfer
Subsurface Production System and Wellbore Heat Transfer

BSc in PE
The lecture builds on the background gained in the previous semester about the importance of recovering geothermal energy. However, this course provides information on how exactly this energy is brought up to the surface and put to use. Therefore, the methods of completion of geothermal wells, as well as the necessary equipment, such as the implementation of isolated or alternative tubings, will be discussed in detail. Different measurement, monitoring, and safety installations will also be presented, and the students will have the opportunity to debate on the similarities and specialties of such systems compared to those of a conventional oil/gas case. Moreover, the concepts of flow assurance and water treatment will be covered to stress the necessity of implementing inhibition, removal techniques, and later disposal of the produced fluids properly to avoid problems and downtimes in the future. Last but not the least, the appropriate artificial lifting systems will be introduced, and the pros and cons, as well as the validity of using each of these systems, will be debated.
The course intends to inform the students about the geothermal energy production system as a whole, and discuss the basic principles and equipment used for optimum energy recovery.
60% pre- and post-projects, 40% final oral exam
Elective Subject “Petroleum Production Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Artificial Lift Systems and EOR Production Technology
Artificial Lift Systems and EOR Production Technology

Oil and Gas Production Principles
The integrated lecture will give an overview of the most popular artificial lifting systems. Sucker rod pumps, gas lift installations, electrical submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps and hydraulic pumps are introduced and discussed in detail. The course discusses advantages, disadvantages and the usage criteria of different AL-systems. The working principle, design and system optimization and operation procedures are discussed and applied within exercises on hand-calculations and software. Industry standard software and the Pump Testing Facility (PTF) are used to aid the training. An insight into new technologies and developments will be the final chapter of this practical to inform the students about the state of the art and the potentials for future investigation.
This course prepares the participants to understand the design and working principles of artificial lift systems, their advantages, and limitations, and analyze various case studies.
Continious evaluation during the course
Automated Data Acquisition
Automated Data Acquisition
The objective of this course is to understand and practice the path from data generation at sensors, processing at the PLC and storage at data server, followed by cloud processing. Several sensor types are studied, PLC programming basics are introduced, and storage systems are presented. Based on a project, students generate, process, store, and interpret data on models of industrial facilities.
The aim of this course is the full understanding of the digitalization of industrial processes.
Continuous evaluation during the course
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Enhanced Oil Recovery
BSc courses in PE
Objective: To obtain basic knowledge of physical and chemical principles underpinning microscopic displacements and reservoir-scale sweep processes. This knowledge will be applied to learn how to enhance recovery from oil reservoirs that already underwent primary depletion and secondary recovery processes. Content: The course establishes the theoretical foundation in displacement physics, for the participant to understand and design IOR and EOR (improved and enhanced oil recovery) processes. We examine multiphase-flow phenomena ranging from the pore scale (micro-displacement efficiency) to the field scale (viscous fingering, emulsification, etc.). A variety of EOR techniques will be discussed, including designed-water flooding, surfactant methods, miscible-gas injection, thermal recovery methods, and techniques for mobility control. The impact of these methods on displacement and sweep efficiency, their sensitivity to reservoir properties and their limits of applicability and associated risks will be discussed.
Participants of this course will acquire a solid foundations in EOR methods and an understanding where and when to apply them given their cost and compatibility with reservoir characteristics (EOR screening).
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers

technical, environmental, economical importance of corrosion and corrosion protection in oil and gas production and refining, aspects of security, types of corrosion, corrosion monitoring and corrosion protection
generation of knowledge on materials and corrosion relevant for petroleum engineers
for an examination date please send an email to
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
BSc courses in PE, Petrophysics of Reservoir Rocks, Geophysical Well Logs, Applied Geophysics, Sedimentology (including Lab, Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Engineering and Practical
Aims: Reservoir characterization and modeling is done to create and parameterize simulation models using sparse sub-surface information. The aim of this course is to explain geophysical reservoir characterization methods, reservoir modelling techniques and to demonstrate subsurface data integration across disciplines. Practical skills will be delivered through a series of exercises on real data. Objectives: The course shows how to utilize information from hydrocarbon fields at different scale for the construction of reservoir models. At large scale structural and stratigraphic seismic attributes can be calibrated to well data. AVO and inversion results will be applied for rock and fluid characterization. With geo-statistics reservoir properties will be analyzed. Deterministic (kriging, co-kriging) or stochastic algorithms (Gaussian simulation) will be covered in continuous property interpolation. For discrete properties object-based modeling, indicator simulation or multi-point statistics methods will be covered. Techniques for the averaging and upscaling of resulting geo-cellular reservoir models will also be addressed. They will be illustrated using state-of-the-art reservoir modelling software and data from actual reservoirs.
Participants will understand the logic, underpinning assumptions, and limitations of the most commonly used seismic attributes, statistical methods and geological modelling algorithms, and will be able to execute these methods using standard software tools in the frame of the static modelling workflow.
Five exercises (one for each main topic) need to be completed; team-work is appreciated. Short reports documenting parameters used, results and their interpretation should be submitted. Completed exercise summaries are the pre-requisite for a final mark. The mark will result from a final exam (written or oral).
Well Construction Equipment
Well Construction Equipment

Basic knowledge of physical, electrical and mechanical coherences are expected. It is recommended to complete the first 2 semesters of the study program.
Based on industry experience, essential equipment for well construction will be explained. Emphasis will be put on the mast/substructure and hoisting equipment. Furthermore, introduction to electrical systems and hazardous areas will be given. Also, pump systems and solid control equipment will be touched. Power generation, basic well control and quality auditing will conclude this lecture.
The students gain knowledge in the different aspects of well construction. The participants improve their know-how on the various components and considerations for constructing a well. Furthermore they get a better understanding of design aspects of the different. Finally a sensibility for personnel and environmental safety will be acquired.
Continuous assessment and final exam
Well Testing and Wellbore Heat Transfer
Well Testing and Wellbore Heat Transfer

BSc courses in PE
Initially, the purpose of well testing as a useful tool in reservoir analysis will be described. Different types of well testing such as drawdown test, build up test, drill-stem test, etc. will be introduced and the process of efficiently performing them will be discussed. The most critical task to deal with would be to interpret the obtained data and extract the necessary parameters, which will be done in class in cooperation with the students. The crucial component of here would be the knowledge of mathematics. Nevertheless, relative software will be introduced to assist on the interpretation of data. In addition, diagnostic plots, testing uncertainties and data conversion methods will be presented to the students in order to efficiently conclude the topic. As the final chapter of this lecture, the idea behind digital oil fields, their advantages and the required tools and practices will be introduced to the students.
This course introduces the concept of well testing as a technique to measure reservoir properties. It investigates different test types and the procedure, as well as reviewing the advantages and disadvantages as compared to the other alternatives.
A final written exam contributing to 100% of the grade
Elective Subject “Reservoir Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Artificial Lift Systems for Reservoir Engineers
Artificial Lift Systems for Reservoir Engineers

Oil and Gas Production Principles
The lecture will give an overview of the most popular artificial lifting systems. Sucker rod pumps, gas lift installations, electrical submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps, and hydraulic pumps are introduced and discussed in detail. The course examines the advantages, disadvantages, and the usage criteria of different AL-systems. The working principle and design are discussed and applied within exercises and hand-calculation. Industry-standard software and the Pump Testing Facility (PTF) are used to aid the training. An insight into new technologies and developments will be the final chapter of this course to inform the students about state of the art and the potentials for future investigation.
This course prepares the participants to understand the design and working principles of artificial lift systems, their advantages and limitations, and analyze various case studies.
Continuous evaluation during the course.
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Enhanced Oil Recovery
BSc courses in PE
Objective: To obtain basic knowledge of physical and chemical principles underpinning microscopic displacements and reservoir-scale sweep processes. This knowledge will be applied to learn how to enhance recovery from oil reservoirs that already underwent primary depletion and secondary recovery processes. Content: The course establishes the theoretical foundation in displacement physics, for the participant to understand and design IOR and EOR (improved and enhanced oil recovery) processes. We examine multiphase-flow phenomena ranging from the pore scale (micro-displacement efficiency) to the field scale (viscous fingering, emulsification, etc.). A variety of EOR techniques will be discussed, including designed-water flooding, surfactant methods, miscible-gas injection, thermal recovery methods, and techniques for mobility control. The impact of these methods on displacement and sweep efficiency, their sensitivity to reservoir properties and their limits of applicability and associated risks will be discussed.
Participants of this course will acquire a solid foundations in EOR methods and an understanding where and when to apply them given their cost and compatibility with reservoir characteristics (EOR screening).
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
BSc courses in PE, Petrophysics of Reservoir Rocks, Geophysical Well Logs, Applied Geophysics, Sedimentology (including Lab, Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Engineering and Practical
Aims: Reservoir characterization and modeling is done to create and parameterize simulation models using sparse sub-surface information. The aim of this course is to explain geophysical reservoir characterization methods, reservoir modelling techniques and to demonstrate subsurface data integration across disciplines. Practical skills will be delivered through a series of exercises on real data. Objectives: The course shows how to utilize information from hydrocarbon fields at different scale for the construction of reservoir models. At large scale structural and stratigraphic seismic attributes can be calibrated to well data. AVO and inversion results will be applied for rock and fluid characterization. With geo-statistics reservoir properties will be analyzed. Deterministic (kriging, co-kriging) or stochastic algorithms (Gaussian simulation) will be covered in continuous property interpolation. For discrete properties object-based modeling, indicator simulation or multi-point statistics methods will be covered. Techniques for the averaging and upscaling of resulting geo-cellular reservoir models will also be addressed. They will be illustrated using state-of-the-art reservoir modelling software and data from actual reservoirs.
Participants will understand the logic, underpinning assumptions, and limitations of the most commonly used seismic attributes, statistical methods and geological modelling algorithms, and will be able to execute these methods using standard software tools in the frame of the static modelling workflow.
Five exercises (one for each main topic) need to be completed; team-work is appreciated. Short reports documenting parameters used, results and their interpretation should be submitted. Completed exercise summaries are the pre-requisite for a final mark. The mark will result from a final exam (written or oral).
Reservoir Engineering 2: Advanced Concepts for Conventional...
Reservoir Engineering 2: Advanced Concepts for Conventional Resources
BSc courses in PE (Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media, Reservoir Fluids)
Aims: To develop solid foundations in advanced reservoir engineering concepts through having a complete understanding of physics of reservoir engineering. Objectives: The course will focus on theoretical foundations of advanced reservoir engineering concepts. The physics of coning phenomena is explained and mathematical foundations are discussed. A review of aquifer models and prediction of aquifer performance by matching production data with other characteristics are illustrated. Efficiency of water flooding using Buckley-Leverett and other approaches will be reviewed and experimental and field studies presented. The review of conventional and recent methods in well testing of oil and gas wells for fractured and non-fractured reservoirs will be investigated. Inflow-outflow performance curve of oil wells are discussed. An introduction to characterization, modeling and simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFRs) is followed by some case studies.
Participants will acquire solid foundations in the advanced techniques of reservoir engineering, and understand how to apply them in complex reservoir problems in the future studies.
Course work (50%) + one written final exam (50%)
Reservoir Simulation Methods I
Reservoir Simulation Methods I
BSc courses in PE, Flow in Porous Media, Reservoir Fluids
Aims: Students will be provided an insight into existing methods of numerical reservoir simulation based on black-oil formulations. The course will consist of presentation accompanied by hands-on exercises (predominantly Matlab). Objectives: At first, an introduction with a review of simulation artifacts will be given followed by a part on modeling concepts and simulator input data. Thereafter, the constitutive equations will be discussed and the discretization methods explained. Finally, well models are introduced to enable participants to develop numerical simulation codes suitable to reproduce meaningful simulation results that can match literature cases. The focus of this course is on classical multi-phase fluid flow problems and their associated solution algorithms to be expressed as pseudo-code written in Matlab language. The practical part will focus on 2-phase flow in one and two-dimensional models to be constructed and developed by participants. Classical methods implemented in black-oil reservoir simulators will be applied and discussed in more detail. Additional material on more specialized simulation topics will be covered in a subsequent course (Reservoir Simulation Methods II).
Successful course participants will understand how simulation methods can be employed to model multi-phase reservoir flow. Basic programming skills and knowledge of algorithms will be acquired during the course.
Course Work (50%), Final Exam (50%)
Water Flooding
Water Flooding
The student should be familiar with concepts of basic reservoir engineering. Knowledge of basic reservoir simulation is recommended.
Theoretical, experimental and mathematical subjects related to water flooding process will be provided in detail. This will include; fundamentals of water flooding, design & optimization, performance predictions surveillance, water flooding management, and extension of water flooding in terms of low salinity water, smart water, carbonated water, and augmented Nano flooding.
The objective of this course is to provide and introduce the students with the fundamental of conventional and non-conventional water flooding processes. The students should be able to identify and understood the key reservoirs and operational factors impacting a water injection project in terms of recovery efficiency. In addition, calculation of water flood performance through analytical (Buckley-Leverett using Matlab or Excel) and numerical simulator is part of the objective.
Assignments & Final Exam
2. Year
3. Semester (Winter)
Field Development Project
Field Development Project
List of compulsory prior lectures
As members of an artificial asset team, course participants will gain proficiency and experience in the reservoir engineering workflow with the goal of the preparation and presentation of a development plan for a real reservoir. Objectives: Multi-disciplinary teams consisting of a petroleum geologist, driller, reservoir and production engineers and an economist, will use provided field data to characterize a reservoir, build a simulation model, history match it, and carry out sensitivity analysis to identify a favorable production strategy expressed and formulated into a field development plan written up as a report submitted in the context of a final presentation to management.
The main objective is to inter-relate separate subjects taught in formal lectures: characterization, drilling, well and reservoir optimization, design of surface facilities, economic forecasting and application to regulatory authorities. The students learn to work in interdisciplinary teams and how to process information from the different fields efficiently.
Continuous assessment
Elective Subject “Drilling Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Advanced Well Monitoring and Analysis
Advanced Well Monitoring and Analysis


Comprehensive knowledge about well drilling, logging, testing completions, servicing, reservoir management and production engineering. Completion, well servicing, production, reservoir and field personnel involved in gathering and interpreting data.
Collecting the data, information and events over the whole well, reservoir and field life cycle, their validation and analysis and transformation open various possibilities to learn and make collected data as valuable tools and new knowledge for fast and effective learning. It is a well-known that data, used for analysis of oil and gas well and reservoir performance (geological, drilling, well servicing, production, processing, economic, etc.) are not the data registered in short period of time, but they are every day, weekly or monthly data. When the data and information are registered, the response has to be prompt, because even the smallest delay in analyst’s reaction inevitably leads to loss of control over the wells’ and reservoirs’ performance. New registered data is always a new time signal that has to be directed in timely manner to corresponding location for the purpose of analysis. Well operation and production history data are recorded and stored on daily basis, and include “hidden” information on potential problem causes that have led to oil production decrease. Selection of well candidates for performing certain operation (workover and/or stimulation) requires knowing general well operating characteristics and a number of specific requirements in well performance, as well as different parameters which allow identification and development of different key performance indicators to quantify operation efficiency of well, reservoir and field and to estimate saving potential if proper corrective actions would be applied. The student will be learned how to prioritize the best candidates for solving the operational problems and increase petroleum production. The frequency of a problem class occurrence, as well as the fact that oil and gas production is basically a time sequence in which certain signals (e.g. oil/water/gas production) or phenomena (paraffin scaling in tubing, inorganic scaling at injection, pump damage, etc.) oscillate in time with typical frequency and phases. Establishing an internal functional and logic dependence between data, information and events is used for generating a well operation learning curve. The various data mining tools will be used to recognize the symptoms and to diagnose the problems in well operations and to allow students better understanding the value of data and information collected during monitoring and surveillance of well operations, both, in real and episodic time. Based on what is known about the field/reservoir, it would be discussed additional tools needed to check and exam well files and data with an aim to evaluate the most likely opportunities. Prior making the final decision whether the well is or not candidate for workover/stimulation, student will be acquired with knowledge how to effectively apply economic analysis to justify the proposed technical solutions.
The students will lean how to organize big data volume (data, information, events and knowledge) to perform well analysis and to apply problem analysis methodology. Systematic approach to manage big data will be applied with the focus on the value of the data, symptoms recognition methodology and problem diagnosis. The course will allow a deeper understanding concerning the value of various type of data collected during long well and reservoir life cycle. Furthermore, the student should learn how to use the tools to manipulate such data and to convert them to useful information and knowledge with aim to achieve efficient data monetization and produce smarter from maturated brown fields and new discovered green fields.
Exam is written and if it would be required final check can be done orally. The exam is combined from theoretical and practical questions following the course content The grading also considers the performance of the students in the course, discussions and activities during lectures.
Drilling Process Evaluation and Planning
Drilling Process Evaluation and Planning
The successful completion of the lecture and practical Drilling Engineering and Well Design is highly recommended. List of compulsory prior lectures
Subdivision of the drilling process into discrete operations; analysis and optimization of costs for each operation; analysis of bit and drilling performance; development of time versus depth and time versus cost charts; analysis of learning.
Upon completion of this course the students will be able to: • Differentiate between lost time, productive time, flat time and invisible lost time. • Gain basic knowledge about the common methods used for drilling time projection. • Describe the different type of drilling contracts and tendering process. • Developing time versus depth curve by using multiple methods. • Estimate the drilling cost and prepare AFE. • Classify drilling activities and select the best KPIs to measure the performance for each activity. • Apply project management concept on well planning. • Read and use the daily generated drilling reports
Project and final exam.
Measurement Control, Monitoring and Analysis
Measurement Control, Monitoring and Analysis

List of compulsory prior lectures
The course will present all relevant sensors on the rig and explain the measurement principles, as well as the required data quality assurance that needs to be applied interpreting these sensor readings. The participant will work through various examples of real-data from rigs to perform monitoring and analysis tasks, which typically are performed in real-time operating centers (RTOCs), or for post analysis. This will include requirements and examples for hydraulics monitoring, torque and drag monitoring, pore-pressure prediction and wellbore stability monitoring, as well as drilling performance evaluation. We will introduce data management and storage requirements and discuss data exchange standards, such as WITS or WITSML.
The participant will be introduced to all aspects of measuring at the rig, as well as reporting requirements and are able to apply that knowledge in the field. They also learn the necessary skills to perform analysis of all available data in real-time and to prepare the data for post analysis.
Midterm written exam and Oral exam at the end of the course.
Well Construction Fluids Lab
Well Construction Fluids Lab
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course starts with a theoretical part, including safety instructions, an introduction to principal used equipment and procedures and a detailed discussion of backgrounds of the individual lab modules. In the practical part of this course students will execute a series of experiments. Principal properties like fluid viscosity, gel strength, weight and filtration is measured for two different fluid systems. The impact on these properties when drilling salt or shale is demonstrated. Special attention is laid on drilling problems like differential pipe sticking, mud cake resistivity and formation damage by drilling fluids.
The students understand and are able to conduct the most important drilling fluids rig-laboratory measurements. They are familiarized with mechanical and chemical and the hazards that come with those.
Continuous Assessment, Report and final exam.
Well Construction Mechanical Lab
Well Construction Mechanical Lab

List of compulsory prior lectures
The course is divided into three Modules. The first Module covers all the aspects related to ROP optimization, in these two days block, the students will also have the opportunity to gain a drilling practice using the Mini-Drill-Rig. The second Module is mainly specified for determining the rock strength Since the rock strength is strongly related to ROP performance, the second Module covers the entire test that is used to determine the rock strength. The students will have chance to use UCS test machine. In the last Module, the students will be allowed to use flow loop tool in order to study all the aspects related to hole cleaning and optimization.
The students are taught to apply their scientific and engineering knowledge to the solution of technical problems, within the requirements and constraints set by technological, material and economic considerations. Furthermore the successful participant will gain valuable practical experience from the operation of the Miniature Rig.
Continuous assessment
Well Construction Problems and Solutions
Well Construction Problems and Solutions
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course consists of three parts, the first part starts by giving an overview of the most crucial drilling problems, such as, well control, stuck pipe problems, lost circulation, drill pipe fatigue failures, formation damage. In the second half of the first part each participant will be assigned a topic related to drilling problems. The participant is requested to prepare two presentations. In first presentation he/she has to discuss the causes of the problem, while in the second presentation he/she must present the most effective solutions.
The successful student will leave the course with an enriched practical knowledge in problems related to drilling operations and is able to qualify them in order to create unconventional solutions for the actual drilling problems.
Continuous assessment
Well Integrity
Well Integrity
List of compulsory prior lectures
Well Integrity course covers design and implementation of Barrier Elements important to provide isolation during the lifecycle of the well. Procedures to analyze the success of a well operation and its dependence on the Barrier Element integrity is discussed. Risk and economic analysis associated with selection of different Barrier Elements on the outcome of well operations and well events are included.
Upon completion of the course, Students should be able to analyze the risk of failure of different Barrier Elements and the economic impact on well operation. The course should help engineers understand why Barrier Elements are important for safe and economic production of subsurface energy. Students should also be able to design the Barrier Elements that are fit for the purpose.
Continuous assessment
Elective Subject “Geothermal Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Decision-Making and Risk Analysis
Decision-Making and Risk Analysis



Introduction to Decision and Risk Analysis -Decision Elements, Decisions & Outcomes, Hard decisions Multi-objective decision-making methodology -Structuring/Framing the decision situation -Evaluating/Modelling the decision -Deciding, sensitivity analysis and assessing trade-offs Assessing and Modeling Risk & Uncertainty -Review & development of relevant probability, statistics and economics concepts -Monte Carlo simulation Influence Diagrams and Decision-tree analysis Creating Value in Uncertain Decision Situations -Value of Information -Value of Flexibility (Handling attitude to risk) Psychological and judgmental aspects of decision-making & uncertainty assessment
The aim of this course is to deepen the knowledge and to give further insights in Decision Making and Risk Analysis in the oil business.
Paper, written and/or oral
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Energy

This course is devoted to the theoretical and practical foundations of geothermy. Starting from fundamental physical principles production and transport of heat the heat regime and thermal budget of the Earth will be presented. After the global discussion the fundamental aspects of geothermal energy will be emphasized: radiogenic heat production in the crust and petrophysical parameters (thermal conductivity, capacity, porosity and permeability) Techniques to measure heat flow will be discussed. Petrophysical techniques to measure specific properties will be applied in the lab.
In-depth knowledge of thermal balance of the Earth and fundamentals for the utilisation of geothermal energy
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
BSc courses in PE, and in particular: Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media and Reservoir Fluids
The lecture builds on the reservoir engineering courses of the PE Bachelor, and develops on this basis advanced concepts for Petroleum and Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. The modules cover: - Classical reservoir engineering concepts for petroleum fields and geothermal energy developments - Fractured Reservoirs - Hydraulic well stimulation - Thermodynamics and Phase behaviour of reservoir fluids and geothermal working fluids - Heat storage properties and heat transport mechanisms in geological reservoirs - Engineering of Hydrothermal Systems and Enhanced Geothermal Systems - Reactive fluid transport and scaling issues. In the course, lectures will be combined with discussions, presentations and numerical simulations using MATLAB and Tough2/ ToughReact (Lawrence Berkeley Reservoir Simulation Code).
Participants of this course will acquire solid foundations Reservoir Engineering. They will become familiar with the specific reservoir engineering issues related to Petroleum Engineering and Geothermal Energy production operations. The course will enable to assess storage capacities, energy recovery and to assess the associated risks
will follow
Induced Seismicity
Induced Seismicity

Introduction into processes leading to induced seismicity. Seismic events associated with mining, reservoirs, geothermal plants and gas/oil production are presented. The necessary background in rock mechanics and seismology forms an essential part of the lecture.
Induced seismicity - reason and effect.
Surface Facilities for Geothermal Energy
Surface Facilities for Geothermal Energy
BSc in PE
This integrated course covers a details discussion of the geothermal fluid – corrosion, scales, and gas interference effects. The understanding of the working principles and design of heat exchangers, pressure vessels, pipes, and separators are part of this course. The thermodynamic concepts for heat and electricity generation are discussed in detail – Clausius Rankine Process. Power plant configurations and conversion processes are presented and discussed in examples. Reinjection water treatment and HSE aspects are part of this course.
This lecture discusses the surface facilities that are compatible with geothermal energy-producing systems. Design and application criteria are discussed in detail.
Assignments a final written exam and project work are parts of a final grade
Well Integrity
Well Integrity
List of compulsory prior lectures
Well Integrity course covers design and implementation of Barrier Elements important to provide isolation during the lifecycle of the well. Procedures to analyze the success of a well operation and its dependence on the Barrier Element integrity is discussed. Risk and economic analysis associated with selection of different Barrier Elements on the outcome of well operations and well events are included.
Upon completion of the course, Students should be able to analyze the risk of failure of different Barrier Elements and the economic impact on well operation. The course should help engineers understand why Barrier Elements are important for safe and economic production of subsurface energy. Students should also be able to design the Barrier Elements that are fit for the purpose.
Continuous assessment
Elective Subject “Petroleum Production Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Advanced Oil, Gas and Geothermal Energy Recovery
Advanced Oil, Gas and Geothermal Energy Recovery

BCs courses in PE
The sole purpose of this lecture is to introduce the state-of-the-art advancements in the industry so as to keep the students up to date with the current status of the technical projects as well as allowing them to pick out from potential areas of research and work on them further as their Master thesis. These topics not only include the recent technologies that are commercially available, but also the concept plans or patents that are being developed at the department. The participants will obtain a clear overview about the present state of the industry and inform themselves on the research capabilities of their department which should allow them to choose their future research or career path more clearly.
This course provides a unique opportunity for students to get informed about the latest technologies in the field of petroleum production and geothermal energy recovery; topics that may not have been covered in the previous lectures.
A final oral exam contributing to 100% of the grade.
Computational Solids Mechanics
Computational Solids Mechanics

This course starts with an introduction into a selected Finite Elements software package. Simple general examples are solved together in class and the related theory (method of weighted residuals, galerkin procedure, error estimation, convergence criteria, ..) is discussed. The interaction of the FE software package and python is discussed in moderate complex petroleum industry related examples.
The goal is to familiarize the students with a selected FE package and calculate the solution of simple engineering problems.
oral examination 80%, practical examples 20%
Flow Assurance, Well Intervention and Workover
Flow Assurance, Well Intervention and Workover
Oil and Gas Production Principles Practical, Artificial Lift Systems Practical
This course is based on the knowledge, gained from the basic courses during the bachelor’s studies. Corrosion, erosion, and choke behavior are discussed as well as organic and inorganic scale phenomes along the production system. Removal and mitigation procedures are presented. Well Intervention and workover techniques, tools, and equipment are discussed in detail.
This complimentary course gives the students a detailed training on the flow assurance from the reservoir to the separator. Organic and inorganic scales and accumulations are discussed. Hand calculations in conjunction with the usage of state of the art software provide the students with fundamental knowledge on successfully designing and analyzing production systems. Well Intervention and workover techniques, tools, and equipment are discussed in detail.
Several assignments, a final written exam and a project done with the help of the educational will all contribute to the final grade.
Fluid Storage Facilities
Fluid Storage Facilities
The lecture builds on the background built in the previous semester about the importance of storing water, oil and gas for supply security. Tank storage facilities, dams, pore storage facilities, and cavern storage facilities are discussed in details. Tthe geological conditions for storage facilities, its construction, operation and maintenance are part of this course. HSE and economic aspects are included. Successful participants will have a detailed knowledge on these storage technologies.
The aim of this course is to discuss the state of the art of fluid storage technology – water, oil, and gas. All stages, starting at the construction, followed by operation, and abandonment are covered.
Continious evaluation during the course and final exam
Green Hydrogen Technology
Green Hydrogen Technology

This course will cover the relevant aspects of green hydrogen production in relation to the petroleum industry
Decarbonising the planet is one of the major goals of countries around the world. Until 2050 a significant share of the energy should be provided by hydrogen. Currently, hydrogen is produced by using fossil fuels. The decarbonising of hydrogen production, by using renewable energy sources of waste energy of processes, can reduce the global CO2 emissions significantly. This lecture provides an overview of the properties of hydrogen and its potential for the future. Hydrogen production in general is compared to green hydrogen production. Processes and developments especially related to the petroleum industry are presented.
Successful participants will be able to understand and apply the fundamental concepts and apply the knowledge
Final exam counting for 100%
On- and Offshore Production Facilities & Water Processing
On- and Offshore Production Facilities & Water Processing
BSc courses in PE
This course covers on- and offshore facilities, like platform types, equipment, and working principles. Separators, pressure vessels, and heat exchangers are studied and designed. Refinery processes and tank facilities for short and long – term storage are discussed. Oil field water treatment technology and well abandonment principles are part of this course. The course also commits to addressing HSE, and in particular safety, as a concept. The identification of danger zones and protection methods, as well as monitoring techniques, are elaborated. By the end, the practices will be evaluated and categorized based on their functionality and energy efficiency.
This lecture describes the processes and equipment used in on- and offshore production facilities around the world in the up and midstream industry.
Production Data Analysis and Modelling
Production Data Analysis and Modelling

Oil and Gas Production Principles, Artificial Lift Systems, Basics of Statistics
The world is full of data, and the data volumes are exploding. So, it makes quite sense to think about how to make the data useful, as data may indeed contain crucial content. Therefore, one burning question is how to get information, knowledge, or even wisdom out of the data. In the past, we humans were the brains for everything, but nowadays, understanding and interpreting such amounts of data in this information rich world is a challenge that cannot be tackled without the assistance of computational power and sophisticated algorithms for data analysis and visualization. The course starts with the principles of data acquisition and carries on via data QC/QA towards sophisticated visualization methods based on visual analytics. Subsequently, the creation of models based on the data in combination with some (petroleum) expert know-how is introduced for automated providing decisions or predictions or at least decision support. The entire program is, of course, accompanied by the required mathematics. In the framework of data acquisition, the sampling theorem will lead to the understanding of aliasing and the impact of the sampling process itself on the data. The Fourier and Hilbert transform, as well as the principles of digital filtering based on the convolution integral, will support the understanding of noise reduction in the context of data QC/QA. Outlier detection and missing values handling as well as the tackling of time-shift problems, are a separate chapter in that block. Introduction into visual analytics will support the understanding of large and complex datasets for both, numerical as well as categorical data. A review of statistical distributions including maximum likelihood method will support the understanding of mixture models and their decomposition by methods like expectation maximisation. For outlier handling the concept of robust objective functions and how to integrate them into the model building process is discussed and applied. In the context of the model building, deterministic models in combination with heuristic models like linear-, logistic- and Poisson-regression, Bayesian inference, neural networks, static and dynamic committee machines are discussed and applied to e.g., pump failure and dynamometer card analysis. In model building, special emphasis is placed on improving model quality. With a few simple rules, trapping in local error minima while training the models can be largely reduced and by adjusting the model complexity to the requirements of the data. Modelling noise in the data due to overtraining or over-sizing models can be largely avoided. In addition, methods like multiple cross-validation and the role of features are discussed. Cross-validation allows for better estimation and prediction of the generalization properties of the models, which stands for the quality of a model applied to data it has never seen before. Features are an inevitable part of model building, as they can substantially reduce the necessary model complexity and thus significantly increase the models’ generalization properties. For feature creation deterministic and statistical methods are shown as well as unsupervised feature learning, while for the identification of relevant features methods like forward selection and backward elimination are compared.
The course gives insight into the (increasing) role of data in the oil & gas business. Participants are trained in learning by doing throughout the whole class. Necessary tools are provided via Moodle or recommended, as well as created by the participants themselves by programming it in VBA.
Elective Subject “Reservoir Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs
Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs
The student should be familiar with concepts of fractured reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation.
Fundamentals of Natural Fractured Carbonate Reservoir EOR in Natural Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Gas Injection Methods Unconventional Water & Chemical Injection Methods Thermal Recovery Methods EOR Assessments & Lesson Learned
The first objective is to overview the production mechanisms in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs. Then an update of all applied and recent research in EOR methods will be given in detail. The emphasis will be on Natural Fractured Carbonate and Heavy Oil Reservoirs. All applied conventional and conventional EOR methods wil be discussed in detail. Finally, the method of sreening and the lesson learned from applied porjects in NFCR will be considered.
will follow
Reservoir Engineering 2: Storage, Sequestration and Geothermal...
Reservoir Engineering 2: Storage, Sequestration and Geothermal Energy
BSc courses in PE
Objective: The course aims to broaden the participant’s knowledge and perspective in reservoir engineering beyond the area of oil and gas production. Participants will get familiar with gas storage, acid gas and CO2 sequestration, energy recovery through CO2 injection and from geothermal systems. Content: We will apply reservoir engineering methods to non-oil and gas subsurface processes and operations, and address topics specific for the respective operations. The course covers reservoir engineering and operational aspects of: CO2 injection for sequestration, enhanced oil recovery and enhanced coal bed methane, natural gas and hydrogen Storage and geothermal energy production with focus on deep reservoirs and hot dry rock systems. Thereby we address specific thermodynamic properties such as CO2-brine phase behavior, gas sorption, the coupling of fluid transport and chemical reactions, i.e. reactive transport, and the coupling to mechanical rock properties. Lectures will be combined with discussions and exercises to deepen the knowledge.
Participants of this course will acquire solid foundations in storage and sequestration processes and energy recovery by CO2 injection and from geothermal systems. They will become familiar with the specific reservoir engineering issues of those operations. The course will enable to assess storage capacities, energy recoveries, as well as to assess the risks of such operations.
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
Reservoir Engineering 2: Unconventional Resources
Reservoir Engineering 2: Unconventional Resources
BSc courses in PE (Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media, Reservoir Fluids)
Aims: To provide a basic understanding and knowledge about unconventional resources for hydrocarbon oil and gas. Objectives: The course include classification of resources, geologic and geographic occurrences, recovery technology and economics of unconventional hydrocarbon resources. The course will cover theoretical and practical aspects of unconventional reservoirs, such as, shale oil and gas, tar sands and heavy oils, gas hydrates, Coal Bed Methane (CBM), and also tight gas reservoirs. The geochemical and petrophysical properties and recovery mechanisms of each type will be presented. Production strategies enhancing by fracking and drilling/completion constraints for optimal designing are discussed and criteria to assess the performance of such a reservoir based on well placement will be reviewed. Simulation techniques and limitations are followed by environmental impacts of unconventional oil and gas productions.
Participants will learn the physics of unconventional reservoirs and how to combine reservoir engineering knowledge to analyze them.
Reservoir Management
Reservoir Management
BSc courses in PE, Basics in Petroleum Geology, Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering 1, Reservoir Simulation Methods 1, Production Engineering, Economics and Statistics
Aims: To develop the understanding for an interdisciplinary synergetic approach to efficient reservoir management with the goal to optimize economic recovery of petroleum assets Objectives: The application of reservoir management principles as a strategy throughout the life cycle of a petroleum asset at each stage, from discovery, through appraisal to development and production until abandonment the critical aspects of reservoir management are recovered. The successful economic development of a petroleum asset requires an integrated approach in every aspect. This approach is applied to data acquisition, reservoir description and modelling, assessing uncertainty, techniques of reservoir monitoring and surveillance, generating predictions of future reservoir performance and economic evaluation.
Successful participants will understand and be able to apply the principles of reservoir management. This includes goal setting, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating reservoir performance to maximize economic recovery and minimize capital investment, risk and operating expenses. They will be able to identify, acquire and manage geosciences data that are required for building integrated reservoir models used for field development planning. They will also understand how these models are used together with traditional techniques like classical material balance and decline curve analysis to achieve optimum field development and operating plans. They will know how to apply the current reserves/ resource definitions to portray the total value of an oil and gas company by identifying all upside and downside potential. This supports portfolio management and the decision-making process.
Reservoir Simulation Methods II: Advanced Concepts
Reservoir Simulation Methods II: Advanced Concepts
Space-Time Discretization of Flow and Transport Equations
Aims: Following the objectives set out in Space-Time Discretization of Flow and Transport Equations, and taking them further, the aim of this course is to familiarize participants with the non-linear governing partial differential equations arising from reservoir physics, and the numerical / discretization methods used to simulate with them. Linearizing assumptions are removed sequentially through conceptual examples, and complexity is uncovered through different approaches designed to deal with each case. Learning all of these techniques requires studying some of the most important physical processes in a reservoir and their mathematical interpretation to ultimately construct a simulator code. In this manner, the aim is to expand and consolidate the student’s understanding of what happens in the underground. Objectives: In sequence, the course covers the conceptualization of flow-related processes in a reservoir and its surroundings. These processes and their interactions are formalized in terms of governing partial differential equations (PDEs). Their discretization and numerical solution with either the Finite-Volume or Finite-Element Methods (FVM, FEM) is illustrated. The course also covers the design of numerical experiments and visualization, analysis, and interpretation of simulation results. Special emphasis is placed on the non-linear aspects of two phase fluid flow in porous media.
Successful participants will understand how FEM/FVM methods and associated space-time discretization methods can be employed to solve multiphase flow equations (through two phase examples). Students will obtain valuable knowledge through the implementation of features used by the newest black-box commercial simulators. This will aid them in their work with any simulator they use, for whatever purpose.
Continuous assessment, course work (50%), final exam (50%)
Special Core Analysis
Special Core Analysis
BSc courses in PE
Aims: To develop skills in Core Analysis, Special Core Analysis and supporting techniques. To enable participants to analyze and interpret SCAL data. Objectives: We review the basic concepts of wettability, saturations, capillarity, and relative permeability. We will learn about experimental techniques to characterize basic rock and fluid properties and to measure capillary pressure and relative permeability saturation functions. Experimental data will be provided to obtain hands-on experience in analytical and numerical data interpretation, and to enable participants to “read” SCAL data.
Participants will become familiar with SCAL measurements and data interpretation methods (analytical and numerical). The course will enable to design a SCAL program, to QA/QC the resulting data and to predict water-flood performance and implications for EOR.
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
3. Semester (Winter) or 4. Semester (Summer)
Elective Subject “Geothermal Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Energy Transport and Network
Energy Transport and Network
BSc in PE
Geothermal energy, just like any other source of energy, needs to be transported from the production facilities to users, whether to public entities or private households. This course will look into the concept of energy transportation as a common practice and then focuses on the specifics of geothermal energy and identifies its special requirements. The main focus will be on designing networks, by discussing the various design types and comparing their performance. Various mathematical models exist for that matter and they will be investigated individually in this lecture. The means to reach a successful and sustainable design and the methods for control and optimization will be another topic of this lecture. Lastly, different softwares that can be used for this purpose will be introduced and examples will be carried out in the class.
This lecture discusses the prospect of transporting geothermal energy from the source all the way to households. It also aims to define the challenges and considerations with regards to the planning and execution.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%.
Elective Subject “Petroleum Production Engineering”
All courses of an elective subject need to be taken.
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology
BSc course in PE
The lecture will cover all the general yet necessary processes for conditioning the natural gas so that it is prepared for the day to day applications. It begins with a description of the technical specifications of natural gas which will build the structure on which future conditioning techniques are going to be decided on. Further on, some of the compulsory processes including purification, desulfurization, dehydration, distribution, and storage will be explained in full details. The required equipment for the mentioned practices will also be named and introduced. In addition, the necessity of transportation of natural gas to the market by means of liquefaction or GTL-processes will be described and the challenges will be discussed. By the end, the importance of process flow diagrams will be demonstrated and later requested from the students.
The lecture will explain the process of natural gas production from the reservoir to the wellbore and finally, via the surface facilities, to its final destination at the customer’s location. This knowledge is of particular importance for the energy industry in Austria.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%
4. Semester (Summer)
During the last semester the Master’s Thesis is written.
Courses alphabetically
Advanced Borehole Geophysics
Advanced Borehole Geophysics

Lecture 260.060 Geophysical Well Logging
The course covers the classical geophysical well-logging methods to determine lithology, porosity and pore fluids, as well as advanced borehole geophysical techniques. Specific topics covered are: • The borehole environment and Logging while drilling • Standard well-logging methods to determine lithology, porosity and pore fluids • The photo electric effect and spectral gamma methods • Nuclear magnetic resonance • Imaging and geomechanics • Formation testing • Borehole acoustic methods • Borehole seismic methods and synthetic well-ties In class exercises evaluate well-log data using commercial well-log analysis software and focus on the analysis of borehole data.
To understand the principles of borehole geophysics and integrate multiple geophysical data sets in qualitative and quantitative analysis.
continuous assessment
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion

List of compulsory prior lectures
This course will discuss state-of-the art concepts, tools, rig selection, material selection, techniques and best practices used in drilling and completing various types of geothermal wells. A comparison on how geothermal well planning, drilling and completion concepts differ from standard oil and gas well construction is presented. Geothermal well planning focusing on time/cost versus depth on the one hand side plus technical issues on the other hand side like advanced BHA design, casing design, purpose selected well completions, cementing, annular isolation and well integrity issues will also be discussed.
Students will receive a fundamental knowledge on planning and executing geothermal well constructions based on the type of geothermal system being developed. Awareness of costs involved and technical issues during the well construction process must be developed.
Continuous assessment
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion
Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Completion

List of compulsory prior lectures
This course will discuss state-of-the art concepts, tools, rig selection, material selection, techniques and best practices used in drilling and completing various types of geothermal wells. A comparison on how geothermal well planning, drilling and completion concepts differ from standard oil and gas well construction is presented. Geothermal well planning focusing on time/cost versus depth on the one hand side plus technical issues on the other hand side like advanced BHA design, casing design, purpose selected well completions, cementing, annular isolation and well integrity issues will also be discussed.
Students will receive a fundamental knowledge on planning and executing geothermal well constructions based on the type of geothermal system being developed. Awareness of costs involved and technical issues during the well construction process must be developed.
Continuous assessment
Advanced Oil, Gas and Geothermal Energy Recovery
Advanced Oil, Gas and Geothermal Energy Recovery

BCs courses in PE
The sole purpose of this lecture is to introduce the state-of-the-art advancements in the industry so as to keep the students up to date with the current status of the technical projects as well as allowing them to pick out from potential areas of research and work on them further as their Master thesis. These topics not only include the recent technologies that are commercially available, but also the concept plans or patents that are being developed at the department. The participants will obtain a clear overview about the present state of the industry and inform themselves on the research capabilities of their department which should allow them to choose their future research or career path more clearly.
This course provides a unique opportunity for students to get informed about the latest technologies in the field of petroleum production and geothermal energy recovery; topics that may not have been covered in the previous lectures.
A final oral exam contributing to 100% of the grade.
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar

Selected chapters and actual topics from the petroleum business. Every student gets the chance to dive into selected topics pf Petroleum Economics, in a way that under guidance of an advisor he is able to write a scientific article in SPE-paper style.
The aim of the course is to enable the student to write autonomously a scientific literature paper.
paper, written
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar


Selected chapters and actual topics from the petroleum business. Every student gets the chance to dive into selected topics of Petroleum Economics, in a way that under guidance of an advisor he is able to write a scientific article in SPE-paper style.
The aim of the course is to enable the student to write autonomously a scientific literature paper.
paper, written
Advanced Well Construction
Advanced Well Construction
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course consists of 3 parts: Geo-Mechanics, Advanced Drilling and Well Planning. The Geo-Mechanics part covers the following topics and necessary fundamentals of geo-mechanics for wellbore applications: the origin of stresses in the subsurface and how in situ stresses can be understood from wellbore data; mechanical properties such as rock strength, and the origins of pore pressure and how it is measured and estimated. The course then proceeds to show how these data are applied through the Mechanical Earth Model to critical problems in exploration and field development. This multi-disciplinary course provides a concise overview of basic rock mechanics and its application to wellbore stability and lost circulation. In the Advanced Drilling part specific problems associated with vertical and directional/horizontal drilling are discussed such as drill string fatigue design, advanced casing design (tri-axial, design for H2S applications), torque & drag (includes: drilling and pipe running operation), advanced hydraulics, surge & swab, hole cleaning & cutting transport and bottom hole assemblies design. Participants will receive instruction on planning and evaluating horizontal wells based on the objectives of the horizontal well. Additionally, they will become familiar with the tools and techniques used in directional drilling such as survey instruments, bottom hole assemblies, motors, steerable motors, and steerable rotary systems. Extended reach drilling, HPHT drilling and underbalanced drilling is also discussed in this part of the lecture. In the Well Planning part of the lecture students will learn to plan well using different modules of ‘Landmark’. Anti-collision planning, casing stress calculations, T&D soft-string modeling or applied hydraulics design are among the topics solved with ‘Landmark’ with the help of real well data.
Upon completion of the course, participants will get an insight understanding of technical well construction and planning for standard and special well design requirements (e.g. for extended reach drilling or underbalanced drilling). They will understand the importance of geo-mechanics and its meaning for well design and will be able to build geo-mechanical models using Excel sheet. Students will identify trajectory design issues and their influence on torque and drag and wellbore stability. They will design effective BHAs and match them to given objectives. Students will understand advanced casing design, fatigue failures of drill string components, understand surge / swab and optimize hole cleaning.
Continuous Assessment
Advanced Well Monitoring and Analysis
Advanced Well Monitoring and Analysis


Comprehensive knowledge about well drilling, logging, testing completions, servicing, reservoir management and production engineering. Completion, well servicing, production, reservoir and field personnel involved in gathering and interpreting data.
Collecting the data, information and events over the whole well, reservoir and field life cycle, their validation and analysis and transformation open various possibilities to learn and make collected data as valuable tools and new knowledge for fast and effective learning. It is a well-known that data, used for analysis of oil and gas well and reservoir performance (geological, drilling, well servicing, production, processing, economic, etc.) are not the data registered in short period of time, but they are every day, weekly or monthly data. When the data and information are registered, the response has to be prompt, because even the smallest delay in analyst’s reaction inevitably leads to loss of control over the wells’ and reservoirs’ performance. New registered data is always a new time signal that has to be directed in timely manner to corresponding location for the purpose of analysis. Well operation and production history data are recorded and stored on daily basis, and include “hidden” information on potential problem causes that have led to oil production decrease. Selection of well candidates for performing certain operation (workover and/or stimulation) requires knowing general well operating characteristics and a number of specific requirements in well performance, as well as different parameters which allow identification and development of different key performance indicators to quantify operation efficiency of well, reservoir and field and to estimate saving potential if proper corrective actions would be applied. The student will be learned how to prioritize the best candidates for solving the operational problems and increase petroleum production. The frequency of a problem class occurrence, as well as the fact that oil and gas production is basically a time sequence in which certain signals (e.g. oil/water/gas production) or phenomena (paraffin scaling in tubing, inorganic scaling at injection, pump damage, etc.) oscillate in time with typical frequency and phases. Establishing an internal functional and logic dependence between data, information and events is used for generating a well operation learning curve. The various data mining tools will be used to recognize the symptoms and to diagnose the problems in well operations and to allow students better understanding the value of data and information collected during monitoring and surveillance of well operations, both, in real and episodic time. Based on what is known about the field/reservoir, it would be discussed additional tools needed to check and exam well files and data with an aim to evaluate the most likely opportunities. Prior making the final decision whether the well is or not candidate for workover/stimulation, student will be acquired with knowledge how to effectively apply economic analysis to justify the proposed technical solutions.
The students will lean how to organize big data volume (data, information, events and knowledge) to perform well analysis and to apply problem analysis methodology. Systematic approach to manage big data will be applied with the focus on the value of the data, symptoms recognition methodology and problem diagnosis. The course will allow a deeper understanding concerning the value of various type of data collected during long well and reservoir life cycle. Furthermore, the student should learn how to use the tools to manipulate such data and to convert them to useful information and knowledge with aim to achieve efficient data monetization and produce smarter from maturated brown fields and new discovered green fields.
Exam is written and if it would be required final check can be done orally. The exam is combined from theoretical and practical questions following the course content The grading also considers the performance of the students in the course, discussions and activities during lectures.
Artificial Lift Systems and EOR Production Technology
Artificial Lift Systems and EOR Production Technology

Oil and Gas Production Principles
The integrated lecture will give an overview of the most popular artificial lifting systems. Sucker rod pumps, gas lift installations, electrical submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps and hydraulic pumps are introduced and discussed in detail. The course discusses advantages, disadvantages and the usage criteria of different AL-systems. The working principle, design and system optimization and operation procedures are discussed and applied within exercises on hand-calculations and software. Industry standard software and the Pump Testing Facility (PTF) are used to aid the training. An insight into new technologies and developments will be the final chapter of this practical to inform the students about the state of the art and the potentials for future investigation.
This course prepares the participants to understand the design and working principles of artificial lift systems, their advantages, and limitations, and analyze various case studies.
Continious evaluation during the course
Artificial Lift Systems for Reservoir Engineers
Artificial Lift Systems for Reservoir Engineers

Oil and Gas Production Principles
The lecture will give an overview of the most popular artificial lifting systems. Sucker rod pumps, gas lift installations, electrical submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps, and hydraulic pumps are introduced and discussed in detail. The course examines the advantages, disadvantages, and the usage criteria of different AL-systems. The working principle and design are discussed and applied within exercises and hand-calculation. Industry-standard software and the Pump Testing Facility (PTF) are used to aid the training. An insight into new technologies and developments will be the final chapter of this course to inform the students about state of the art and the potentials for future investigation.
This course prepares the participants to understand the design and working principles of artificial lift systems, their advantages and limitations, and analyze various case studies.
Continuous evaluation during the course.
Automated Data Acquisition
Automated Data Acquisition
The objective of this course is to understand and practice the path from data generation at sensors, processing at the PLC and storage at data server, followed by cloud processing. Several sensor types are studied, PLC programming basics are introduced, and storage systems are presented. Based on a project, students generate, process, store, and interpret data on models of industrial facilities.
The aim of this course is the full understanding of the digitalization of industrial processes.
Continuous evaluation during the course
Basics of nuclear engineering
Basics of nuclear engineering
Economic aspects of nuclear power; technical basics; types and components of nuclear plants; nuclear waste management; nuclear security and risk management; analysis of nuclear accidents; outllok to the future of nuclear power
Obtaining basic knowledge of nuclear engineering and nuclear applications.
Business Etiquette for Petroleum Engineers
Business Etiquette for Petroleum Engineers
The students will obtain a basic understanding of business etiquette and intercultural behaviors, which will enable them to be mpre polite, well dressed and successful in their future careers.
The students will obtain a basic understanding of business etiquette and intercultural behaviors, which will enable them to be more polite, well dressed and successful in their future careers.
Continous assessment
Computational Continuum Mechanics
Computational Continuum Mechanics

BSc or engineering degree in technology related areas; The course builds upon knowledge of Laplace eq., and heat modeling (550.982 Thermodynamik und Wärmeübertragung), Navier-Stokes eqs., and flow modeling (550.007 Geo Engineering Fluid Dynamics), and the infinitesimal deformation theory (400.008 Mechanik IB). Understanding of the numerical methods (170.004 Numerische Methoden I) and being able to read programs (150.100 Computeranwendung and Programmierung) is of advantage.
Successful participants will gain an insight into a general simulation workflow, will create a connection between physics models and their numerical implementation and will be able to solve a simulation problem of continuum mechanics independently, be it fluid dynamics, or solid mechanics
Successful participants will gain an insight into a general simulation workflow, will create a connection between physics models and their numerical implementation and will be able to independently solve a simulation problem of continuum mechanics, be it fluid dynamics and/or solid mechanics, using an OpenFOAM solver.
continuous assessment Meshing task (10 points), Project (50 points), Test (40 points) All-in-one exam possible during semester break (min. 45 points, test and project done) Grading: ≥90 points: excellent (1) 80 to <90 points: good (2) 65 to <80 points: satisfactory (3) 50 to <65 points: sufficient (4) <50 points: failed (5)
Computational Solids Mechanics
Computational Solids Mechanics

This course starts with an introduction into a selected Finite Elements software package. Simple general examples are solved together in class and the related theory (method of weighted residuals, galerkin procedure, error estimation, convergence criteria, ..) is discussed. The interaction of the FE software package and python is discussed in moderate complex petroleum industry related examples.
The goal is to familiarize the students with a selected FE package and calculate the solution of simple engineering problems.
oral examination 80%, practical examples 20%
Crisis Management in the Petroleum Industry
Crisis Management in the Petroleum Industry


BSC courses in PE
The lectures will cover various types of situations where a crisis have occurred and describe the importance of setting up a crisis management system. The steps and procedures that have to be followed will be taught and different approaches to remediation will be discussed in the class. These are crucial details that nurtures the participants’ sense of responsibility while improving their competence in leadership. In addition, the students will also get trained in a TV studio in a simulation that strengthens their character and self-confidence, as well as their conversational and promoting skills. All this will allow them to take charge in case of a disaster or even act as company’s spokesperson. Successful participants will be able to identify the crisis potential. They will be capable of setting up a crisis organization within a short period of time. The ability of internal and external communication will be demonstrated and strengths and weaknesses will be identified.
This lecture intends to prepare the students for situations where unexpected events occur and need to be dealt with in a short amount of time. It trains the students, as future engineers and managers, to handle tough situations, make decisions and claim responsibilities.
In-class practice rounds are discussed and evaluated by the lecturers as well as the fellow students. Also a written exam will be given to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of the students.
Decision-Making and Risk Analysis
Decision-Making and Risk Analysis



Introduction to Decision and Risk Analysis -Decision Elements, Decisions & Outcomes, Hard decisions Multi-objective decision-making methodology -Structuring/Framing the decision situation -Evaluating/Modelling the decision -Deciding, sensitivity analysis and assessing trade-offs Assessing and Modeling Risk & Uncertainty -Review & development of relevant probability, statistics and economics concepts -Monte Carlo simulation Influence Diagrams and Decision-tree analysis Creating Value in Uncertain Decision Situations -Value of Information -Value of Flexibility (Handling attitude to risk) Psychological and judgmental aspects of decision-making & uncertainty assessment
The aim of this course is to deepen the knowledge and to give further insights in Decision Making and Risk Analysis in the oil business.
Paper, written and/or oral
Design of mobile mining machinery - Modules, Digitalisation,...
Design of mobile mining machinery - Modules, Digitalisation, Automation, Safety technology
Einführung Prozessablauf Entwicklung einer Montanmaschine Spezifikation und Pflichtenheft im Montanmaschinenbau Übersicht Mobile Montanmaschinen für - Auffahrung - Gewinnung - Gebirgssicherung - Transport - Hilfsaufgaben Baugruppenauslegung für - Fahrwerk - Bohren und Laden des Sprengstoffs - Mechanisches Schneiden - Anker-Bohr-und-Setzeinrichtung - Laden und Fördern des Haufwerkes - Hydraulisches System - Elektrische Antriebe - Steuerungssystem Bedeutung der Modellbildung und Simulation für die Entwicklung Modularisierung - Gründe für Modularisierung - Beispiel Modularisierung einer Teilschnittmaschinen-Typ-Familie Digitalisierung - Sensorik für Maschinenzustandserkennung Überlastungsschutz Positionserkennung und Navigation Umwelt und Sicherheit - Aktorik Magnetventiltechnik für Hydraulik Elektrische Antriebe einschließlich Frequenzumrichtertechnik Automation am Beispiel Schneidablaufautomation Autonomes Fahren von Untertagefahrzeugen Automatisierte Anker- Bohr und Setzlafetten Sicherheitstechnik - Proximity Detection System - Explosionsschutz - Funktionale Sicherheit Roboter im Bergbau - die Zukunft - Der Roboter als Montanmaschine - Entwicklungstendenzen - Prototypen
Die Studenten sollen einen Überblick über die Entwicklungsschritte und Entwicklungsthemen für mobile Montanmaschinen im Bereich Auffahrung, Gewinnung, Gebirgssicherung und Transport erhalten. Im Detail werden die Anforderungen in Bezug auf Baugruppenauslegung- und Dimensionierung und daraus folgende Modularisierung, Ausrüstung mit Sensorik, Aktorik und Steuerelementen für die Digitalisierung, Automation von Teil- und Vollfunktionen sowie die zugehörige Sicherheitstechnik gelehrt.
Drilling Process Evaluation and Planning
Drilling Process Evaluation and Planning
The successful completion of the lecture and practical Drilling Engineering and Well Design is highly recommended. List of compulsory prior lectures
Subdivision of the drilling process into discrete operations; analysis and optimization of costs for each operation; analysis of bit and drilling performance; development of time versus depth and time versus cost charts; analysis of learning.
Upon completion of this course the students will be able to: • Differentiate between lost time, productive time, flat time and invisible lost time. • Gain basic knowledge about the common methods used for drilling time projection. • Describe the different type of drilling contracts and tendering process. • Developing time versus depth curve by using multiple methods. • Estimate the drilling cost and prepare AFE. • Classify drilling activities and select the best KPIs to measure the performance for each activity. • Apply project management concept on well planning. • Read and use the daily generated drilling reports
Project and final exam.
Effective Meetings and Negotiations in English - B2
Effective Meetings and Negotiations in English - B2
English B2
How to Convince and Prevail – Even in a Foreign Language - meetings and negotiations in the English language. - effective communication and negotiation skills - increase confidence when using English with clients, colleagues and suppliers in meetings and negotiations - improve the participants’ meeting and negotiation ability so that he/she is equipped to achieve objectives at meetings - establishing rapport across cultures
Students can - use the tools necessary to improve their communication style - improve performance in international dialogue and develop the interpersonal skills required when negotiating in the international environment.
Continuous assessment
Energy Market and Industrial Management
Energy Market and Industrial Management

- Global aspects of energy and the role of energy for sustainable economics - Overview on energy markets - The oil and elecricity markets as examples for not grid vs. grid based energy markets - The role of energy for industrial companies - Systems view on energy management - The energy pentagon concept - Major objectives and methods for energy policy, planning, organization, personnel management, information, control, coordination and development
- Understanding the relevant mechanisms of energy markets - Getting a feeling for the importance of energy for industrial processes - Understanding energy management from a systems point of view - Being able to adapt an energy management concept accordingly to the needs of a company
written and/or oral
Energy Transport and Network
Energy Transport and Network
This lecture discusses the prospect of transporting geothermal energy from the source all the way to the households. It also aims to define the challenges and considerations with regards to the planning and execution.
Geothermal energy, just like any other source of energy, needs to be transported from the production facilities to users, whether to public entities of private households. This course will look into the concept of energy transportation as a common practice and then focuses on the specifics of geothermal energy and identifies its special requirements. The main focus will be on designing networks, by discussing the various design types and comparing their performance. Various mathematical models exitst for that matter and they will be investigated individually in this lecture. The means to reach a successful and sustainable design and the methods for control and optimization will be another topic of this lecture. Lastly, different softwares that can be used for this purpose will be introduced and examples will be carried out in the class.
Energy Transport and Network
Energy Transport and Network
BSc in PE
Geothermal energy, just like any other source of energy, needs to be transported from the production facilities to users, whether to public entities or private households. This course will look into the concept of energy transportation as a common practice and then focuses on the specifics of geothermal energy and identifies its special requirements. The main focus will be on designing networks, by discussing the various design types and comparing their performance. Various mathematical models exist for that matter and they will be investigated individually in this lecture. The means to reach a successful and sustainable design and the methods for control and optimization will be another topic of this lecture. Lastly, different softwares that can be used for this purpose will be introduced and examples will be carried out in the class.
This lecture discusses the prospect of transporting geothermal energy from the source all the way to households. It also aims to define the challenges and considerations with regards to the planning and execution.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%.
English 3 Upper-Intermediate C1.1
English 3 Upper-Intermediate C1.1
The focus of this course is communication proficiency in English. This is reinforced through a classroom climate that is both communicative and engaging. Students are encouraged to express sophisticated ideas and opinions in English. Topics will include current affairs as well as cultural aspects of the language (diplomatic language) and the language of debate.
Students can: - follow extended speech - understand a wide range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms - use the language fluently, accurately and effectively and keep up with an animated discussion on a wide range of topics - express their ideas and opinions clearly and diplomatically.
Active in-class participation, attendance, homework, progress checks, final exam, in-class presentations
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Enhanced Oil Recovery
BSc courses in PE
Objective: To obtain basic knowledge of physical and chemical principles underpinning microscopic displacements and reservoir-scale sweep processes. This knowledge will be applied to learn how to enhance recovery from oil reservoirs that already underwent primary depletion and secondary recovery processes. Content: The course establishes the theoretical foundation in displacement physics, for the participant to understand and design IOR and EOR (improved and enhanced oil recovery) processes. We examine multiphase-flow phenomena ranging from the pore scale (micro-displacement efficiency) to the field scale (viscous fingering, emulsification, etc.). A variety of EOR techniques will be discussed, including designed-water flooding, surfactant methods, miscible-gas injection, thermal recovery methods, and techniques for mobility control. The impact of these methods on displacement and sweep efficiency, their sensitivity to reservoir properties and their limits of applicability and associated risks will be discussed.
Participants of this course will acquire a solid foundations in EOR methods and an understanding where and when to apply them given their cost and compatibility with reservoir characteristics (EOR screening).
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs
Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs
The student should be familiar with concepts of fractured reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation.
Fundamentals of Natural Fractured Carbonate Reservoir EOR in Natural Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Gas Injection Methods Unconventional Water & Chemical Injection Methods Thermal Recovery Methods EOR Assessments & Lesson Learned
The first objective is to overview the production mechanisms in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs. Then an update of all applied and recent research in EOR methods will be given in detail. The emphasis will be on Natural Fractured Carbonate and Heavy Oil Reservoirs. All applied conventional and conventional EOR methods wil be discussed in detail. Finally, the method of sreening and the lesson learned from applied porjects in NFCR will be considered.
will follow
Field Development Project
Field Development Project
List of compulsory prior lectures
As members of an artificial asset team, course participants will gain proficiency and experience in the reservoir engineering workflow with the goal of the preparation and presentation of a development plan for a real reservoir. Objectives: Multi-disciplinary teams consisting of a petroleum geologist, driller, reservoir and production engineers and an economist, will use provided field data to characterize a reservoir, build a simulation model, history match it, and carry out sensitivity analysis to identify a favorable production strategy expressed and formulated into a field development plan written up as a report submitted in the context of a final presentation to management.
The main objective is to inter-relate separate subjects taught in formal lectures: characterization, drilling, well and reservoir optimization, design of surface facilities, economic forecasting and application to regulatory authorities. The students learn to work in interdisciplinary teams and how to process information from the different fields efficiently.
Continuous assessment
Flow Assurance, Well Intervention and Workover
Flow Assurance, Well Intervention and Workover
Oil and Gas Production Principles Practical, Artificial Lift Systems Practical
This course is based on the knowledge, gained from the basic courses during the bachelor’s studies. Corrosion, erosion, and choke behavior are discussed as well as organic and inorganic scale phenomes along the production system. Removal and mitigation procedures are presented. Well Intervention and workover techniques, tools, and equipment are discussed in detail.
This complimentary course gives the students a detailed training on the flow assurance from the reservoir to the separator. Organic and inorganic scales and accumulations are discussed. Hand calculations in conjunction with the usage of state of the art software provide the students with fundamental knowledge on successfully designing and analyzing production systems. Well Intervention and workover techniques, tools, and equipment are discussed in detail.
Several assignments, a final written exam and a project done with the help of the educational will all contribute to the final grade.
Fluid Storage Facilities
Fluid Storage Facilities
The lecture builds on the background built in the previous semester about the importance of storing water, oil and gas for supply security. Tank storage facilities, dams, pore storage facilities, and cavern storage facilities are discussed in details. Tthe geological conditions for storage facilities, its construction, operation and maintenance are part of this course. HSE and economic aspects are included. Successful participants will have a detailed knowledge on these storage technologies.
The aim of this course is to discuss the state of the art of fluid storage technology – water, oil, and gas. All stages, starting at the construction, followed by operation, and abandonment are covered.
Continious evaluation during the course and final exam
Formation Impairment and Stimulation
Formation Impairment and Stimulation
BSc courses in PE
The first part of this lecture focuses on the history of the wellbore and the reservoir formation in its vicinity which presents the causes and various types of formation impairment. The next step is to deal with the concept of hydraulic fracturing, a form of stimulation, to alter the reservoir for a constructive purpose. To understand this phenomenon better, rock mechanics and fracture geometry, fracture conductivity, fracturing fluids, additives and proppants will be discussed individually to emphasize on their importance in a stimulation job. Moreover, theories of proppant transportation, as well as 2D and 3D models of fracture propagation, are presented. The lectures will also cover various types of acidizing technologies, as the second type of stimulation. It is of great importance to also talk about HSE issues as a key to successful performance of a stimulation job.
This course analyzes the various ways of purposely deteriorating the reservoir formation properties to remove obstacles and improve productivity. Such techniques surely play an important role in effective hydrocarbon recovery.
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering


General overview of mechanical engineering. Presentation of the fields: General mechanical engineering, metal forming, automation, and heavy mechanical engineering.
First mechanical engineering basics.

Sound understanding of sedimentology, basic petroleum geology and applied geophysics (bachelor level)
The participants learn well correlation and sedimentological interpretation of geophysical well logs as well as software-based interpretation of horizons and faults in reflection seismic data (horizon and fault picking). Based on the seismic horizons, fault patterns, log information and petrophysical data, the building of static reservoir models will be explained.
Ability to establish simple static reservoir models
2 Interim Test Final Test or Course Work
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Energy

This course is devoted to the theoretical and practical foundations of geothermy. Starting from fundamental physical principles production and transport of heat the heat regime and thermal budget of the Earth will be presented. After the global discussion the fundamental aspects of geothermal energy will be emphasized: radiogenic heat production in the crust and petrophysical parameters (thermal conductivity, capacity, porosity and permeability) Techniques to measure heat flow will be discussed. Petrophysical techniques to measure specific properties will be applied in the lab.
In-depth knowledge of thermal balance of the Earth and fundamentals for the utilisation of geothermal energy
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
BSc courses in PE, and in particular: Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media and Reservoir Fluids
The lecture builds on the reservoir engineering courses of the PE Bachelor, and develops on this basis advanced concepts for Petroleum and Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. The modules cover: - Classical reservoir engineering concepts for petroleum fields and geothermal energy developments - Fractured Reservoirs - Hydraulic well stimulation - Thermodynamics and Phase behaviour of reservoir fluids and geothermal working fluids - Heat storage properties and heat transport mechanisms in geological reservoirs - Engineering of Hydrothermal Systems and Enhanced Geothermal Systems - Reactive fluid transport and scaling issues. In the course, lectures will be combined with discussions, presentations and numerical simulations using MATLAB and Tough2/ ToughReact (Lawrence Berkeley Reservoir Simulation Code).
Participants of this course will acquire solid foundations Reservoir Engineering. They will become familiar with the specific reservoir engineering issues related to Petroleum Engineering and Geothermal Energy production operations. The course will enable to assess storage capacities, energy recovery and to assess the associated risks
will follow
German as a foreign language A1.1
German as a foreign language A1.1
- Basic knowledge of the German language - Basic grammatical structures - Basic communicative situations (greeting, personal information, suggestions, restaurant, hobbies, opinions, etc.)
Students are able to - understand und use familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves - ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics - communicate in a simple manner about their immediate surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly and are willing to help.
Active in-class participation, attendance, homework, progress checks, final exam
German as a foreign language A1.1
German as a foreign language A1.1
- Basic knowledge of the German language - Basic grammatical structures - Basic communicative situations (greeting, personal information, suggestions, restaurant, hobbies, opinions, describing the way etc.)
The students are able to - understand und use familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves - ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics - communicate in a simple manner about their immediate surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly
Active in-class participation, attendance, homework, progress checks, final exam
German as a foreign language A1.2
German as a foreign language A1.2
German A1.1
- Repetition and consolidation of German level A1.1 - Vocabulary expansion and revision - Basic grammar topics such as reflexive verbs, conjunctions, tenses and articles - Topics: job, family, living, culture, visits, work, nutrition - Working on and improving the four language skills - Instructions for autonomous language acquisition
Students are able to - understand and use familiar every day expressions and very basic phrases - interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is willing to help - introduce themselves and others - ask and answer questions about personal details (e.g. their family, friends and employment) - express decisions and make suggestions - express worries, fears and hopes.
Active in-class participation, attendance, homework, progress checks, final exam
Green Hydrogen Technology
Green Hydrogen Technology

This course will cover the relevant aspects of green hydrogen production in relation to the petroleum industry
Decarbonising the planet is one of the major goals of countries around the world. Until 2050 a significant share of the energy should be provided by hydrogen. Currently, hydrogen is produced by using fossil fuels. The decarbonising of hydrogen production, by using renewable energy sources of waste energy of processes, can reduce the global CO2 emissions significantly. This lecture provides an overview of the properties of hydrogen and its potential for the future. Hydrogen production in general is compared to green hydrogen production. Processes and developments especially related to the petroleum industry are presented.
Successful participants will be able to understand and apply the fundamental concepts and apply the knowledge
Final exam counting for 100%
Health, Safety and Environment
Health, Safety and Environment
BSc courses in PE
The course provides a comprehensive overview of national, European and international regulations of HSE that must be fully understood and implemented for all oil and gas production operations. Moreover, technical standards for well drilling, with particular attention to dangerous zones and materials, will be covered in the context of occupational safety and health, safety to third parties and environmental protection. The importance of risk assessment is also discussed and measures with respect to protection, preparedness and responsiveness will be debated as well. Upon successful completion of this course, the students will have a clear understanding of HSE procedures and can implement them from the very beginning of any process and identify issues on existing systems and remediate them.
The target of this course is to introduce the technical rules and protocols regarding health, safety, and environment which are key requirements for any operation in the field.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%.
Health, Safety and Environment
Health, Safety and Environment
The lecture will give a comprehensive overview of the Austrian, European and international regulations and technical standards concerning health, safety and environmental issues in the E&P business.
Participants will gather knowledge applying legal regulations and technical standards and competent understanding of HSE-requirements in the E&P business. Successful participants will understand HSE related regulations and technical standards applicable in Austrian E&P industry.
Induced Seismicity
Induced Seismicity

Introduction into processes leading to induced seismicity. Seismic events associated with mining, reservoirs, geothermal plants and gas/oil production are presented. The necessary background in rock mechanics and seismology forms an essential part of the lecture.
Induced seismicity - reason and effect.
Introduction into AutoCAD
Introduction into AutoCAD
DG I, Calculus I
Design of geometric objects in AutoCAD (2d, 3d). Embedding and linking of drawings into other CAD-systems.
Working with commands, production and design of technical objects. During the exercises the students learn to apply the methods presented in this course to design technical objects by AutoCAD.
Introduction to Field Development Project
Introduction to Field Development Project
As members of an artificial asset team, course participants will gain proficiency and experience in the reservoir engineering workflow with the goal of the preparation and presentation of a development plan for a real reservoir. Objectives: Multi-disciplinary teams consisting of a petroleum geologist, driller, reservoir and production engineers and an economist, will use provided field data to characterize a reservoir, build a simulation model, history match it, and carry out sensitivity analysis to identify a favourable production strategy expressed and formulated into a field development plan written up as a report submitted in the context of a final presentation to management.
The main objective is to inter-relate separate subjects taught in formal lectures: characterization, drilling, well and reservoir optimization, design of surface facilities, economic forecasting and application to regulatory authorities. The students learn to work in interdisciplinary teams and how to process information from the different fields efficiently.
Continuous Assessment
Introduction to Vacuum Technology
Introduction to Vacuum Technology
Basics in physics
Physical basics, components for vacuum generation, total and partial pressure measurement, vacuum leakage rate and leak test, vacuum components, applications
basic understanding of vacuum fundamentals; knowledge about setup and working principles of the most important vacuum components
oral examination, at least 50 % of the questions need to be answered correctly. A computer with a stable internet connection, microphone and speakers is needed for an online examination.
Lab to Introduction into AutoCAD
Lab to Introduction into AutoCAD
Design and representation of geometric objects in AutoCAD (2d and 3d). Embedding and linking of drawings into other CAD-systems.
Working with commands, production and design of technical objects. During the exercises the students learn to apply the methods presented in this course to design technical objects by AutoCAD.
Linux I
Linux I
Installation of a linux system, first steps, file system, user commands, system administration, compiling a kernel, network clients, X windows system, linux systems at the university.
installation and operation of a linux desktop system
Literature Review Project
Literature Review Project

Reservoir Characterisation and Modelling, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Reservoir Simulation Methods
Aims: To understand the function of-, referential character, structure, and organization of scientific publications and learn how to write a literature review following this format. Objectives: Explain the process of preparation, submission, review and publication of scientific articles and their structure. Give participants a sense of the purpose of this organization and the role of individual elements, with special emphasis on the introduction, and its subdivision into the review, claim, and agenda. Special emphasis will be placed on how a literature review uses citations to progress from the familiar to the new, how it should distinguish areas of broad agreement from ones of controversy, and how different sources and kinds of information available to scientists underpin different viewpoints.
Successful participants will know how to use scientific literature to quickly extract information, supporting evidence / arguments, and links to supporting materials from articles. They will understand the role of the abstract, introduction, method, result and discussion sections, the conclusions, acknowledgements, list of references, and notation tables. They will also be able to properly reference citations, figures, and tables and know how to write figure captions and other elements of a paper in the expected format. Similar knowledge with regard to the preparation of conference presentations will also be acquired.
Initial test must be passed, review (70%) and presentation to peers (30%) of final mark.
Measurement Control, Monitoring and Analysis
Measurement Control, Monitoring and Analysis

List of compulsory prior lectures
The course will present all relevant sensors on the rig and explain the measurement principles, as well as the required data quality assurance that needs to be applied interpreting these sensor readings. The participant will work through various examples of real-data from rigs to perform monitoring and analysis tasks, which typically are performed in real-time operating centers (RTOCs), or for post analysis. This will include requirements and examples for hydraulics monitoring, torque and drag monitoring, pore-pressure prediction and wellbore stability monitoring, as well as drilling performance evaluation. We will introduce data management and storage requirements and discuss data exchange standards, such as WITS or WITSML.
The participant will be introduced to all aspects of measuring at the rig, as well as reporting requirements and are able to apply that knowledge in the field. They also learn the necessary skills to perform analysis of all available data in real-time and to prepare the data for post analysis.
Midterm written exam and Oral exam at the end of the course.
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers

technical, environmental, economical importance of corrosion and corrosion protection in oil and gas production and refining, aspects of security, types of corrosion, corrosion monitoring and corrosion protection
generation of knowledge on materials and corrosion relevant for petroleum engineers
for an examination date please send an email to
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology
BSc course in PE
The lecture will cover all the general yet necessary processes for conditioning the natural gas so that it is prepared for the day to day applications. It begins with a description of the technical specifications of natural gas which will build the structure on which future conditioning techniques are going to be decided on. Further on, some of the compulsory processes including purification, desulfurization, dehydration, distribution, and storage will be explained in full details. The required equipment for the mentioned practices will also be named and introduced. In addition, the necessity of transportation of natural gas to the market by means of liquefaction or GTL-processes will be described and the challenges will be discussed. By the end, the importance of process flow diagrams will be demonstrated and later requested from the students.
The lecture will explain the process of natural gas production from the reservoir to the wellbore and finally, via the surface facilities, to its final destination at the customer’s location. This knowledge is of particular importance for the energy industry in Austria.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology
BSc course in PE
The lecture will cover all the general yet necessary processes for conditioning the natural gas so that it is prepared for the day to day applications. It begins with a description of the technical specifications of natural gas which will build the structure on which future conditioning techniques are going to be decided on. Further on, some of the compulsory processes including purification, desulfurization, dehydration, distribution, and storage will be explained in full details. The required equipment for the mentioned practices will also be named and introduced. In addition, the necessity of transportation of natural gas to the market by means of liquefaction or GTL-processes will be described and the challenges will be discussed. By the end, the importance of process flow diagrams will be demonstrated and later requested from the students.
The lecture will explain the process of natural gas production from the reservoir to the wellbore and finally, via the surface facilities, to its final destination at the customer’s location. This knowledge is of particular importance for the energy industry in Austria.
A final oral exam accounting for 100%
Offshore Structures and Equipment
Offshore Structures and Equipment
Climate, weather, sea states. Offshore Platforms: fixed platform, submersible platform, floating platform. Offshore systems, templates, subsea blowout preventer, marine riser system, hydraulic connector, diverter systems, heave compensators, navigation systems. Mooring systems, buoyancy and stability, diving equipment, inspection and maintenance, transport systems, life offshore, rig safety.
Advanced knowledge in offshore installations
Offshore Technology
Offshore Technology
List of compulsory prior lectures
This course covers all the important operations unique to offshore operations, such as rig types, rig move and emergency procedures and then goes into the various subsea structures and offshore drilling procedures. The students also have to prepare a short presentation about a specific topic, followed by an open discussion.
Participating students will get a valuable insight in the world of offshore operations and which they will need in their future career.
Final exam.
On- and Offshore Production Facilities & Water Processing
On- and Offshore Production Facilities & Water Processing
BSc courses in PE
This course covers on- and offshore facilities, like platform types, equipment, and working principles. Separators, pressure vessels, and heat exchangers are studied and designed. Refinery processes and tank facilities for short and long – term storage are discussed. Oil field water treatment technology and well abandonment principles are part of this course. The course also commits to addressing HSE, and in particular safety, as a concept. The identification of danger zones and protection methods, as well as monitoring techniques, are elaborated. By the end, the practices will be evaluated and categorized based on their functionality and energy efficiency.
This lecture describes the processes and equipment used in on- and offshore production facilities around the world in the up and midstream industry.
Petroleum Exploration
Petroleum Exploration

successful completion of lecture „Erdölgeologie“ (630.121) or an equivalent lecture
This integrated lecture with exercises covers work processes, procedures, strategic thinking in the petroleum industry “from entry into a petroleum prone basin to drilling exploration wells”: what needs to be considered to become successful: • petroleum system • sedimentary basins and rocks • seismic – from acquisition to prospect generation • opportunity evaluation & selection • risk assessment & mitigation • reserves / resources / potential • petroleum contracts • unconventional resources and methods • preparation and execution of an exploration well (operations geologic aspects) • exercises: practical examples of opportunity evaluations, field studies & business cases
students shall understand technical aspects of the „petroleum puzzle“, of business environmental and company strategic considerations in the petroleum industry
Practical Aspects of Field Development
Practical Aspects of Field Development

enrolled in Master’s program PE
On the occasion of an in-house seminar in an E&P company, the student will get a comprehensive overview of a petroleum engineer’s daily work.
The participants will gain practical knowledge and understand how theory from the university is implemented in an operational unit. Successful participants will understand the necessity of a comprehensive theoretical background in order to fulfill the requirements in an engineer’s career.
final report
Practical Aspects of Field Development
Practical Aspects of Field Development

BSc courses in PE
The students receive a comprehensive insight into the work of a petroleum engineer in his professional life. This is done through a comprehensive presentation of an exploration and production project from planning to implementation including a detailed description of tasks and available means to handle them. The class will then be taken on a field trip to observe the different tasks and responsibilities in real-life for themselves. There, they will have a unique opportunity to interact with the people working in the field and ask questions, share their ideas and learn from the experts’ experiences.
Providing the first look into the diverse sides of professional life that awaits the student in the form of an introductory presentation, a field excursion and conducting a small field development plan protocol.
Protocols on a simple field development plan will be requested from the participants and they contribute to 100% of the final grade.
Practical Blasting I
Practical Blasting I
Production Data Analysis and Modelling
Production Data Analysis and Modelling

Oil and Gas Production Principles, Artificial Lift Systems, Basics of Statistics
The world is full of data, and the data volumes are exploding. So, it makes quite sense to think about how to make the data useful, as data may indeed contain crucial content. Therefore, one burning question is how to get information, knowledge, or even wisdom out of the data. In the past, we humans were the brains for everything, but nowadays, understanding and interpreting such amounts of data in this information rich world is a challenge that cannot be tackled without the assistance of computational power and sophisticated algorithms for data analysis and visualization. The course starts with the principles of data acquisition and carries on via data QC/QA towards sophisticated visualization methods based on visual analytics. Subsequently, the creation of models based on the data in combination with some (petroleum) expert know-how is introduced for automated providing decisions or predictions or at least decision support. The entire program is, of course, accompanied by the required mathematics. In the framework of data acquisition, the sampling theorem will lead to the understanding of aliasing and the impact of the sampling process itself on the data. The Fourier and Hilbert transform, as well as the principles of digital filtering based on the convolution integral, will support the understanding of noise reduction in the context of data QC/QA. Outlier detection and missing values handling as well as the tackling of time-shift problems, are a separate chapter in that block. Introduction into visual analytics will support the understanding of large and complex datasets for both, numerical as well as categorical data. A review of statistical distributions including maximum likelihood method will support the understanding of mixture models and their decomposition by methods like expectation maximisation. For outlier handling the concept of robust objective functions and how to integrate them into the model building process is discussed and applied. In the context of the model building, deterministic models in combination with heuristic models like linear-, logistic- and Poisson-regression, Bayesian inference, neural networks, static and dynamic committee machines are discussed and applied to e.g., pump failure and dynamometer card analysis. In model building, special emphasis is placed on improving model quality. With a few simple rules, trapping in local error minima while training the models can be largely reduced and by adjusting the model complexity to the requirements of the data. Modelling noise in the data due to overtraining or over-sizing models can be largely avoided. In addition, methods like multiple cross-validation and the role of features are discussed. Cross-validation allows for better estimation and prediction of the generalization properties of the models, which stands for the quality of a model applied to data it has never seen before. Features are an inevitable part of model building, as they can substantially reduce the necessary model complexity and thus significantly increase the models’ generalization properties. For feature creation deterministic and statistical methods are shown as well as unsupervised feature learning, while for the identification of relevant features methods like forward selection and backward elimination are compared.
The course gives insight into the (increasing) role of data in the oil & gas business. Participants are trained in learning by doing throughout the whole class. Necessary tools are provided via Moodle or recommended, as well as created by the participants themselves by programming it in VBA.
Project Management for Industrial Management
Project Management for Industrial Management


Framework & processes: Definition of a project & Project Management, processes, standards, link between project management and the functional organization Initiation & planning: Finding ideas, project charter, scope/time/cost planning, Work Breakdown Structure Executing & controlling: Scope/time/cost controlling, cycles, methods, managing baseline changes PM-software: MS-Project, Trello/collaboration tools, PM via Excel, WBSTool Communication & documentation: Communication models & methods, communication planning, stakeholder management, documentation Organization (HR): Organization charts, roles and responsibilities, decision making Risk management: Identification, assessment, managing risks, reassessment/cycles Program & portfolio management, maturity: Definition of a program, managing a program, definition of a portfolio, managing a portfolio, stage gate models, maturity Managing people: Leadership, interpersonal skills, management skills, communication Conflicts & crisis: Conflict management, crisis management
The participants know the basics of professional Project Management and they are able to effectively initiate, plan and manage/control projects. The knowledge will also help the participants prepare for an optional certification according to the international PMI-standard (e.g. CAPM / Certified Associate in Project Management).
written written and/or oral Multiple-choice test in each following class
Repetitorium Fluid Mechanics
Repetitorium Fluid Mechanics

Intended as preparation for the exam pertaining to the lecture. Type, complexity and degree of difficulty of the selected examples correspond to the level of the exam. Contents: Discussion of examples on exam level. Analysis of the problem and solution strategies, selection of appropriate methods, presentation of the results.
prepare for the exam
Repetitorium Mechanics II
Repetitorium Mechanics II

Intended as preparation for the exam pertaining to the lecture. Type, complexity and degree of difficulty of the selected examples correspond to the level of the exam. Contents: Discussion of examples on exam level. Analysis of the problem and solution strategies, selection of appropriate methods, presentation of the results.
prepare for the exam
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling
BSc courses in PE, Petrophysics of Reservoir Rocks, Geophysical Well Logs, Applied Geophysics, Sedimentology (including Lab, Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Engineering and Practical
Aims: Reservoir characterization and modeling is done to create and parameterize simulation models using sparse sub-surface information. The aim of this course is to explain geophysical reservoir characterization methods, reservoir modelling techniques and to demonstrate subsurface data integration across disciplines. Practical skills will be delivered through a series of exercises on real data. Objectives: The course shows how to utilize information from hydrocarbon fields at different scale for the construction of reservoir models. At large scale structural and stratigraphic seismic attributes can be calibrated to well data. AVO and inversion results will be applied for rock and fluid characterization. With geo-statistics reservoir properties will be analyzed. Deterministic (kriging, co-kriging) or stochastic algorithms (Gaussian simulation) will be covered in continuous property interpolation. For discrete properties object-based modeling, indicator simulation or multi-point statistics methods will be covered. Techniques for the averaging and upscaling of resulting geo-cellular reservoir models will also be addressed. They will be illustrated using state-of-the-art reservoir modelling software and data from actual reservoirs.
Participants will understand the logic, underpinning assumptions, and limitations of the most commonly used seismic attributes, statistical methods and geological modelling algorithms, and will be able to execute these methods using standard software tools in the frame of the static modelling workflow.
Five exercises (one for each main topic) need to be completed; team-work is appreciated. Short reports documenting parameters used, results and their interpretation should be submitted. Completed exercise summaries are the pre-requisite for a final mark. The mark will result from a final exam (written or oral).
Reservoir Engineering 2: Advanced Concepts for Conventional...
Reservoir Engineering 2: Advanced Concepts for Conventional Resources
BSc courses in PE (Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media, Reservoir Fluids)
Aims: To develop solid foundations in advanced reservoir engineering concepts through having a complete understanding of physics of reservoir engineering. Objectives: The course will focus on theoretical foundations of advanced reservoir engineering concepts. The physics of coning phenomena is explained and mathematical foundations are discussed. A review of aquifer models and prediction of aquifer performance by matching production data with other characteristics are illustrated. Efficiency of water flooding using Buckley-Leverett and other approaches will be reviewed and experimental and field studies presented. The review of conventional and recent methods in well testing of oil and gas wells for fractured and non-fractured reservoirs will be investigated. Inflow-outflow performance curve of oil wells are discussed. An introduction to characterization, modeling and simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFRs) is followed by some case studies.
Participants will acquire solid foundations in the advanced techniques of reservoir engineering, and understand how to apply them in complex reservoir problems in the future studies.
Course work (50%) + one written final exam (50%)
Reservoir Engineering 2: Storage, Sequestration and Geothermal...
Reservoir Engineering 2: Storage, Sequestration and Geothermal Energy
BSc courses in PE
Objective: The course aims to broaden the participant’s knowledge and perspective in reservoir engineering beyond the area of oil and gas production. Participants will get familiar with gas storage, acid gas and CO2 sequestration, energy recovery through CO2 injection and from geothermal systems. Content: We will apply reservoir engineering methods to non-oil and gas subsurface processes and operations, and address topics specific for the respective operations. The course covers reservoir engineering and operational aspects of: CO2 injection for sequestration, enhanced oil recovery and enhanced coal bed methane, natural gas and hydrogen Storage and geothermal energy production with focus on deep reservoirs and hot dry rock systems. Thereby we address specific thermodynamic properties such as CO2-brine phase behavior, gas sorption, the coupling of fluid transport and chemical reactions, i.e. reactive transport, and the coupling to mechanical rock properties. Lectures will be combined with discussions and exercises to deepen the knowledge.
Participants of this course will acquire solid foundations in storage and sequestration processes and energy recovery by CO2 injection and from geothermal systems. They will become familiar with the specific reservoir engineering issues of those operations. The course will enable to assess storage capacities, energy recoveries, as well as to assess the risks of such operations.
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
Reservoir Engineering 2: Unconventional Resources
Reservoir Engineering 2: Unconventional Resources
BSc courses in PE (Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media, Reservoir Fluids)
Aims: To provide a basic understanding and knowledge about unconventional resources for hydrocarbon oil and gas. Objectives: The course include classification of resources, geologic and geographic occurrences, recovery technology and economics of unconventional hydrocarbon resources. The course will cover theoretical and practical aspects of unconventional reservoirs, such as, shale oil and gas, tar sands and heavy oils, gas hydrates, Coal Bed Methane (CBM), and also tight gas reservoirs. The geochemical and petrophysical properties and recovery mechanisms of each type will be presented. Production strategies enhancing by fracking and drilling/completion constraints for optimal designing are discussed and criteria to assess the performance of such a reservoir based on well placement will be reviewed. Simulation techniques and limitations are followed by environmental impacts of unconventional oil and gas productions.
Participants will learn the physics of unconventional reservoirs and how to combine reservoir engineering knowledge to analyze them.
Reservoir Management
Reservoir Management
BSc courses in PE, Basics in Petroleum Geology, Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering 1, Reservoir Simulation Methods 1, Production Engineering, Economics and Statistics
Aims: To develop the understanding for an interdisciplinary synergetic approach to efficient reservoir management with the goal to optimize economic recovery of petroleum assets Objectives: The application of reservoir management principles as a strategy throughout the life cycle of a petroleum asset at each stage, from discovery, through appraisal to development and production until abandonment the critical aspects of reservoir management are recovered. The successful economic development of a petroleum asset requires an integrated approach in every aspect. This approach is applied to data acquisition, reservoir description and modelling, assessing uncertainty, techniques of reservoir monitoring and surveillance, generating predictions of future reservoir performance and economic evaluation.
Successful participants will understand and be able to apply the principles of reservoir management. This includes goal setting, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating reservoir performance to maximize economic recovery and minimize capital investment, risk and operating expenses. They will be able to identify, acquire and manage geosciences data that are required for building integrated reservoir models used for field development planning. They will also understand how these models are used together with traditional techniques like classical material balance and decline curve analysis to achieve optimum field development and operating plans. They will know how to apply the current reserves/ resource definitions to portray the total value of an oil and gas company by identifying all upside and downside potential. This supports portfolio management and the decision-making process.
Reservoir Simulation Methods I
Reservoir Simulation Methods I
BSc courses in PE, Flow in Porous Media, Reservoir Fluids
Aims: Students will be provided an insight into existing methods of numerical reservoir simulation based on black-oil formulations. The course will consist of presentation accompanied by hands-on exercises (predominantly Matlab). Objectives: At first, an introduction with a review of simulation artifacts will be given followed by a part on modeling concepts and simulator input data. Thereafter, the constitutive equations will be discussed and the discretization methods explained. Finally, well models are introduced to enable participants to develop numerical simulation codes suitable to reproduce meaningful simulation results that can match literature cases. The focus of this course is on classical multi-phase fluid flow problems and their associated solution algorithms to be expressed as pseudo-code written in Matlab language. The practical part will focus on 2-phase flow in one and two-dimensional models to be constructed and developed by participants. Classical methods implemented in black-oil reservoir simulators will be applied and discussed in more detail. Additional material on more specialized simulation topics will be covered in a subsequent course (Reservoir Simulation Methods II).
Successful course participants will understand how simulation methods can be employed to model multi-phase reservoir flow. Basic programming skills and knowledge of algorithms will be acquired during the course.
Course Work (50%), Final Exam (50%)
Reservoir Simulation Methods II: Advanced Concepts
Reservoir Simulation Methods II: Advanced Concepts
Space-Time Discretization of Flow and Transport Equations
Aims: Following the objectives set out in Space-Time Discretization of Flow and Transport Equations, and taking them further, the aim of this course is to familiarize participants with the non-linear governing partial differential equations arising from reservoir physics, and the numerical / discretization methods used to simulate with them. Linearizing assumptions are removed sequentially through conceptual examples, and complexity is uncovered through different approaches designed to deal with each case. Learning all of these techniques requires studying some of the most important physical processes in a reservoir and their mathematical interpretation to ultimately construct a simulator code. In this manner, the aim is to expand and consolidate the student’s understanding of what happens in the underground. Objectives: In sequence, the course covers the conceptualization of flow-related processes in a reservoir and its surroundings. These processes and their interactions are formalized in terms of governing partial differential equations (PDEs). Their discretization and numerical solution with either the Finite-Volume or Finite-Element Methods (FVM, FEM) is illustrated. The course also covers the design of numerical experiments and visualization, analysis, and interpretation of simulation results. Special emphasis is placed on the non-linear aspects of two phase fluid flow in porous media.
Successful participants will understand how FEM/FVM methods and associated space-time discretization methods can be employed to solve multiphase flow equations (through two phase examples). Students will obtain valuable knowledge through the implementation of features used by the newest black-box commercial simulators. This will aid them in their work with any simulator they use, for whatever purpose.
Continuous assessment, course work (50%), final exam (50%)
Reservoir Simulation Methods for Geothermal Engineers
Reservoir Simulation Methods for Geothermal Engineers
BSc courses in PE, and in particular: Reservoir Engineering 1, Flow in Porous Media and Reservoir Fluids
The course will be based on the Reservoir Simulation Methods 1 course of the Reservoir Engineering curriculum and will provide the basic skills for numerical field simulations
Successful course participants will understand how simulation methods can be employed to model multi-phase reservoir flow. Basic programming skills and knowledge of algorithms will be acquired during the course
Course Work (50%), Final Exam (50%)
Seminar Master Thesis Petroleum Engineering
Seminar Master Thesis Petroleum Engineering



Instruction for the preparation of a scientific Thesis, Literature research, preparation of a presentation
The students learn to prepare and present a scientific Thesis due to the subject of their Master Thesis
Seminar Master Thesis Petroleum Engineering
Seminar Master Thesis Petroleum Engineering



Instruction for the preparation of a scientific Thesis, Literature research, preparation of a presentation
The students learn to prepare and present a scientific Thesis due to the subject of their Master Thesis
Spanish A1.1
Spanish A1.1
- Basics of the Spanish language: the acquisition of the basic grammar structure and the basic knowledge for precise communicative situations (greeting and , ask for personal information, making suggestions, eating out, talking about free time, expressing basic feelings, giving directions etc.). - Variety of exercises - Pronunciation and vocabulary practice.
Students are able - to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type - to interact in a simple way when the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Active in-class participation, attendance, homework, final exam
Special Core Analysis
Special Core Analysis
BSc courses in PE
Aims: To develop skills in Core Analysis, Special Core Analysis and supporting techniques. To enable participants to analyze and interpret SCAL data. Objectives: We review the basic concepts of wettability, saturations, capillarity, and relative permeability. We will learn about experimental techniques to characterize basic rock and fluid properties and to measure capillary pressure and relative permeability saturation functions. Experimental data will be provided to obtain hands-on experience in analytical and numerical data interpretation, and to enable participants to “read” SCAL data.
Participants will become familiar with SCAL measurements and data interpretation methods (analytical and numerical). The course will enable to design a SCAL program, to QA/QC the resulting data and to predict water-flood performance and implications for EOR.
Continuous evaluation and active participation will account for 50% and a final exam (written or oral) will accounting for 50% to the final grading.
Special aspects of steelmaking
Special aspects of steelmaking
Influences on the further development of metallurgical processes, analysis of production lines for autothermic and allothermic processes in historical review, specific aspects of steelmaking in different cultures; technical, economical and ecological limits for further development, main objectives in research and development.
Illustration of examples from different areas of steelmaking
Subsurface Production System and Wellbore Heat Transfer
Subsurface Production System and Wellbore Heat Transfer

BSc in PE
The lecture builds on the background gained in the previous semester about the importance of recovering geothermal energy. However, this course provides information on how exactly this energy is brought up to the surface and put to use. Therefore, the methods of completion of geothermal wells, as well as the necessary equipment, such as the implementation of isolated or alternative tubings, will be discussed in detail. Different measurement, monitoring, and safety installations will also be presented, and the students will have the opportunity to debate on the similarities and specialties of such systems compared to those of a conventional oil/gas case. Moreover, the concepts of flow assurance and water treatment will be covered to stress the necessity of implementing inhibition, removal techniques, and later disposal of the produced fluids properly to avoid problems and downtimes in the future. Last but not the least, the appropriate artificial lifting systems will be introduced, and the pros and cons, as well as the validity of using each of these systems, will be debated.
The course intends to inform the students about the geothermal energy production system as a whole, and discuss the basic principles and equipment used for optimum energy recovery.
60% pre- and post-projects, 40% final oral exam
Surface Facilities for Geothermal Energy
Surface Facilities for Geothermal Energy
BSc in PE
This integrated course covers a details discussion of the geothermal fluid – corrosion, scales, and gas interference effects. The understanding of the working principles and design of heat exchangers, pressure vessels, pipes, and separators are part of this course. The thermodynamic concepts for heat and electricity generation are discussed in detail – Clausius Rankine Process. Power plant configurations and conversion processes are presented and discussed in examples. Reinjection water treatment and HSE aspects are part of this course.
This lecture discusses the surface facilities that are compatible with geothermal energy-producing systems. Design and application criteria are discussed in detail.
Assignments a final written exam and project work are parts of a final grade
Water Flooding
Water Flooding
The student should be familiar with concepts of basic reservoir engineering. Knowledge of basic reservoir simulation is recommended.
Theoretical, experimental and mathematical subjects related to water flooding process will be provided in detail. This will include; fundamentals of water flooding, design & optimization, performance predictions surveillance, water flooding management, and extension of water flooding in terms of low salinity water, smart water, carbonated water, and augmented Nano flooding.
The objective of this course is to provide and introduce the students with the fundamental of conventional and non-conventional water flooding processes. The students should be able to identify and understood the key reservoirs and operational factors impacting a water injection project in terms of recovery efficiency. In addition, calculation of water flood performance through analytical (Buckley-Leverett using Matlab or Excel) and numerical simulator is part of the objective.
Assignments & Final Exam
Well Construction Equipment
Well Construction Equipment

Basic knowledge of physical, electrical and mechanical coherences are expected. It is recommended to complete the first 2 semesters of the study program.
Based on industry experience, essential equipment for well construction will be explained. Emphasis will be put on the mast/substructure and hoisting equipment. Furthermore, introduction to electrical systems and hazardous areas will be given. Also, pump systems and solid control equipment will be touched. Power generation, basic well control and quality auditing will conclude this lecture.
The students gain knowledge in the different aspects of well construction. The participants improve their know-how on the various components and considerations for constructing a well. Furthermore they get a better understanding of design aspects of the different. Finally a sensibility for personnel and environmental safety will be acquired.
Continuous assessment and final exam
Well Construction Fluids Lab
Well Construction Fluids Lab
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course starts with a theoretical part, including safety instructions, an introduction to principal used equipment and procedures and a detailed discussion of backgrounds of the individual lab modules. In the practical part of this course students will execute a series of experiments. Principal properties like fluid viscosity, gel strength, weight and filtration is measured for two different fluid systems. The impact on these properties when drilling salt or shale is demonstrated. Special attention is laid on drilling problems like differential pipe sticking, mud cake resistivity and formation damage by drilling fluids.
The students understand and are able to conduct the most important drilling fluids rig-laboratory measurements. They are familiarized with mechanical and chemical and the hazards that come with those.
Continuous Assessment, Report and final exam.
Well Construction Mechanical Lab
Well Construction Mechanical Lab

List of compulsory prior lectures
The course is divided into three Modules. The first Module covers all the aspects related to ROP optimization, in these two days block, the students will also have the opportunity to gain a drilling practice using the Mini-Drill-Rig. The second Module is mainly specified for determining the rock strength Since the rock strength is strongly related to ROP performance, the second Module covers the entire test that is used to determine the rock strength. The students will have chance to use UCS test machine. In the last Module, the students will be allowed to use flow loop tool in order to study all the aspects related to hole cleaning and optimization.
The students are taught to apply their scientific and engineering knowledge to the solution of technical problems, within the requirements and constraints set by technological, material and economic considerations. Furthermore the successful participant will gain valuable practical experience from the operation of the Miniature Rig.
Continuous assessment
Well Construction Problems and Solutions
Well Construction Problems and Solutions
List of compulsory prior lectures
The course consists of three parts, the first part starts by giving an overview of the most crucial drilling problems, such as, well control, stuck pipe problems, lost circulation, drill pipe fatigue failures, formation damage. In the second half of the first part each participant will be assigned a topic related to drilling problems. The participant is requested to prepare two presentations. In first presentation he/she has to discuss the causes of the problem, while in the second presentation he/she must present the most effective solutions.
The successful student will leave the course with an enriched practical knowledge in problems related to drilling operations and is able to qualify them in order to create unconventional solutions for the actual drilling problems.
Continuous assessment
Well Control
Well Control
The course is categorized into theoretical and practical sections. In the theoretical part, the well control fundamental basics are discussed including primary well control, kick causes, kick indicators, shut-in methods, kill methods, and basics of well control simulation. In the practical part, the components and procedures of well control simulator DRILLSIM-50 are discussed. The students are then practically required to work with the well control simulator (e.g. drill, flow check, control and circulate the kick out of the hole). Then, the calculations corresponding to well control consisting of related formulas and also the kill sheet calculations are presented so that some examples can be worked out and solved.
The students will become familiar with well control theoretical fundamentals in an applied manner and also the practical procedures and calculations that a typical driller must be aware of. This ensures that graduates of drilling engineering can contribute to the safe well control and safety.
Written and practical exam with the simulator
Well Integrity
Well Integrity
List of compulsory prior lectures
Well Integrity course covers design and implementation of Barrier Elements important to provide isolation during the lifecycle of the well. Procedures to analyze the success of a well operation and its dependence on the Barrier Element integrity is discussed. Risk and economic analysis associated with selection of different Barrier Elements on the outcome of well operations and well events are included.
Upon completion of the course, Students should be able to analyze the risk of failure of different Barrier Elements and the economic impact on well operation. The course should help engineers understand why Barrier Elements are important for safe and economic production of subsurface energy. Students should also be able to design the Barrier Elements that are fit for the purpose.
Continuous assessment
Well Placement
Well Placement
Students are expected to have a basic understanding of geology, well logging, drilling engineering and production engineering. List of compulsary prior lectures
In this course students will be tought the basic concepts of well placement and the dependency of these principles on geoscience, drilling and production. Well placement and its applications are defined and the entire process from the planning to the execution stage is covered: Students will learn how to create the necessary geoscience models, well plans and LWD models. For the drilling stage, students will learn how to interprete measurements and the workflows to place the well in the target zone, meet the well objective and also consider the production restrictions for the later stage of the well life.
Students will learn how to create the necessary geoscience models, well plans, LWD models and will undergo telemetry and steering decision calculations.
Two written exams and project presentation
Well Testing Operations
Well Testing Operations

BSc courses in PE
Initially, the purpose of well testing as a useful tool in reservoir analysis will be described. Different types of well testing such as drawdown test, build up test, drill-stem test, etc. will be introduced and the process of efficiently performing them will be discussed. The most critical task to deal with would be to interpret the obtained data and extract the necessary parameters, which will be done in class in cooperation with the students. The crucial component of here would be the knowledge of mathematics. Nevertheless, relative software will be introduced to assist on the interpretation of data. In addition, diagnostic plots, testing uncertainties and data conversion methods will be presented to the students in order to efficiently conclude the topic. As the final chapter of this lecture, the idea behind digital oil fields, their advantages and the required tools and practices will be introduced to the students.
This course introduces the concept of well testing as a technique to measure reservoir properties. It investigates different test types and the procedure, as well as reviewing the advantages and disadvantages as compared to the other alternatives.
A final written exam contributing to 100% of the grade
Well Testing and Wellbore Heat Transfer
Well Testing and Wellbore Heat Transfer

BSc courses in PE
Initially, the purpose of well testing as a useful tool in reservoir analysis will be described. Different types of well testing such as drawdown test, build up test, drill-stem test, etc. will be introduced and the process of efficiently performing them will be discussed. The most critical task to deal with would be to interpret the obtained data and extract the necessary parameters, which will be done in class in cooperation with the students. The crucial component of here would be the knowledge of mathematics. Nevertheless, relative software will be introduced to assist on the interpretation of data. In addition, diagnostic plots, testing uncertainties and data conversion methods will be presented to the students in order to efficiently conclude the topic. As the final chapter of this lecture, the idea behind digital oil fields, their advantages and the required tools and practices will be introduced to the students.
This course introduces the concept of well testing as a technique to measure reservoir properties. It investigates different test types and the procedure, as well as reviewing the advantages and disadvantages as compared to the other alternatives.
A final written exam contributing to 100% of the grade
Wellbore and Reservoir Geomechanics
Wellbore and Reservoir Geomechanics
BSc courses in PE
Aims: To provide the geo-mechanical background and skills in the quantification of the mechanical properties of reservoir rocks and deformation processes of relevance to petroleum engineering. Objectives: Departing from the already familiar concepts of strain and stress Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, and elastic versus visco-plastic irreversible deformation, this lecture will explain how reservoir rocks deform (rheology), and the stress- and fluid pressure states they are in before and during production. This analysis also necessitates a review of natural / induced faulting and fracturing and the corresponding patterns and structures that often confine or occur within hydrocarbon reservoirs. The concepts: compaction, strain hardening and softening, strain localization, tensile and shear failure, constitutive models, the relationship between fluid pressure and effective stress, the yield-envelope, and typical stress states of the earth’s crust will be explained in sufficient detail to understand reservoir geo-mechanical studies and field tests. Special emphasis will be placed on stress measurement and wellbore stability (breakouts, hydraulic fracture etc.) as well as the deformation of reservoir rocks under low effective stress / elevated fluid pressure. FEM analysis will be used to investigate stresses and failure in geo-engineering applications. The PDEs governing elastic-plastic behavior and taking into account fluid pressure and flow will be introduced, deriving displacement based FEM formulations. Field studies on the Lost Hill anticline and offshore reservoirs in the western US will be used to illustrate these concepts in practice.
Course participants will learn standard techniques to evaluate the state of stress, fluid pressure regime, constitutive behavior and failure envelope for most common sedimentary rocks. This will enable them to assess borehole stability, the poroelastic response of a reservoir, and the risks of reservoir compaction and disintegration / sand production.
One piece of course work (30%), an interim exam (30%) and a final exam on all of the covered material (40%).